This biographical sketch is no longer being updated and may be outdated.
Steve Stevens
is a native of West Virginia. He preached
his first Gospel sermon at the age of nine in Daybrook, WV. He was baptized
by his father, Earl Stevens, on January 22, 1967, at the age of twelve.
At age fifteen he was preaching on a regular basis with the congregations
at Sancho, Long Valley, New Freeport and Pine Grove. His mother drove him
to these appointments until he was old enough to drive himself. He has
worked with the Lord's church in West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and
Kentucky. He is presently located with the Lord's church of Christ in Hundred,
WV and is in his sixteenth year there. He is married to the former Karen
Barnhart of New Freeport, PA and God has blessed them with five children:
Rebecca, Melissa, Jonathan, Stephanie and Victoria.