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 Vol. 9, No. 3 

March 2007

~ Page 4 ~

Dedication to T. Pierce Brown

By Louis Rushmore

Image The March 2007 issue of Gospel Gazette Online is dedicated to the honor of brother T. Pierce Brown. He certainly must be among the most prolific writers in the Lord's church throughout the centuries. His articles by the hundreds have graced the pages of many Gospel magazines and other similar venues. We are fortunate at Gospel Gazette Online that his graciousness extends also to the pages of GGO. We are happy to populate most of the pages of this current issue with some of the outstanding articles brother Brown has penned. Not merely the sheer number of articles, but the soundness and reflective articles that flow from his able mind make it a great pleasure to study his studies and make them available as widely as possible.

T. Pierce Brown was born in a log cabin near Doyle, Tennessee on April 13, 1923. While in high school at Sparta, he preached and baptized some, but was not planning to preach fulltime. He attended T.P.I. at Cookeville as an electrical engineer until Pearl Harbor was bombed, when he enlisted in the Air Force. He flew in B-17's as a bombardier and gunnery instructor, but started studying Greek by correspondence while in the service. He married Tomijo White of Cookeville, to which union were born two sons, Frank and Hilary. Tomijo graduated from T.P.I., majoring in business but did some advanced work for a teacher's certificate. She taught in elementary schools in Tennessee and Florida. Her articles were published in Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation and 21st Century Christianity.

Brother Brown attended Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, Southwest Missouri State Teacher's College, Abilene Christian College, Garrett Biblical Institute, Northwestern University and Harding Graduate School. His writings include a workbook on Personal Evangelism, entitled Christianity in Action, one on Teacher Training, entitled, Teach With Success, and one on Christian living, entitled The Mind of Christ.

His articles have been published in many periodicals such as Firm Foundation, Gospel Advocate, Christian Bible Teacher, Spiritual Sword, The World Evangelist, Personal Evangelism, Church Growth, The Restorer, 21st Century Christianity, Tennessee Valley Christian and others.

In 1998 he was asked to serve as an elder at the Sycamore Church of Christ in Cookeville, Tennessee. After retirement he continued preaching and teaching each week, in addition to teaching up to 3,000 students in Africa by correspondence, and working daily with ONE NATION UNDER GOD, a project to get the Gospel into every home in the world by mass media.Image

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