Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 19 Number 5 May 2017
Page 13

I Am Busy, Lord

Dean Kelly

I am busy, Lord, I know that You can see,
That I am as busy as I feel that I can be;
Responsibilities from here to there,
It seems I am constantly running everywhere.
Help me as I traverse these busy days,
Help me as I travel so many ways;
Keep me on the path that is good and right,
Help me lay my head down in peace at night.

I am busy, Lord, I know that You can see,
That I am as busy as I feel that I can be;
Responsibilities from here to there,
It seems I am constantly running everywhere.
It is not to be less busy that I pray,
I want to fill each moment of every day;
My prayer is to never be so busy in my life,
That I forget about You, my family, or my wife.
Help me to juggle every responsibility,
To do my very best at whatever my task may be;
But to always hold Your light before my eyes,
In all of those moments, as each one flies.

I am busy, Lord, I know that You can see,
That I am as busy as I feel that I can be;
Responsibilities from here to there,
It seems I am constantly running everywhere.
But for now, O Lord, if it is your holy will,
Just give me strength to climb each hill,
To keep my eyes focused, sharp and clear;
To bear the loads of life as they appear.
Till I’m not busy, Lord, as you will see,
That there’s a place with You, for me,
Responsibilities will have all gone away,
And I will get to rest through eternal day.

Situation Ethics

Derek Broome

In the study of situational ethics, an action is deemed right or wrong based on the conditions and situation surrounding such action. A decision is made. An action is performed. What will the verdict be?

In 2 Samuel 6, David brought the Ark of the Covenant back to the people of Israel. The Ark was placed on a new cart and pulled by oxen. When the Ark came to Nachon’s threshing floor, Uzza, who was one of the men that was driving the cart, stretched out his hand and touched the Ark to keep it from falling. The anger of the Lord came upon Uzza, and he was struck dead by the Lord.

Some people will look at this situation based on the knowledge they have and conclude that Uzza was not guilty of anything warranting death. However, before we jump to any conclusions, let us consider all of the facts.

In Numbers 4, we read that special care was given to covering the items in the tabernacle, and they were not to be touched. The punishment for touching a holy item from the tabernacle was death (Numbers 4:15). We can also read in Exodus 25:12-15 that the Ark of the Covenant was to be carried on poles. The Ark was not to be carried on a cart. In Deuteronomy 10:8, we can read that the Levites were the only ones allowed to carry the Ark of the Covenant.

Now, looking at this situation, we can see that numerous things were wrong with how the Ark was being transported and that the Lord’s command to not touch the Ark was disobeyed. David was wrong for having the Ark of the Covenant transported on the cart, and Uzza was wrong for touching the Ark. Both violated the Lord’s commands.

In the world in which we live today, we cannot try to rationalize disobedience to God because we feel like we have a rational argument. God has set forth His commands, and we are to follow them. If our priorities, actions and thoughts contradict what the Lord has called us to do and to be, then, we too will find ourselves, like David and Uzza, in violation of the Lord’s commands.

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