Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 19 Number 10 October 2017
Page 8

We Serve a Risen Savior!

Mark N. Posey

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live’” (John 11:25). The Divinity of Jesus rests on His resurrection (Romans 1:4). The Sovereignty of Jesus, likewise, rests on His resurrection (Romans 14:9). Our justification rests on Jesus’ resurrection, too (Romans 4:25). In addition, our regeneration rests on Jesus’ resurrection (1 Peter 1:3). Finally, our ultimate resurrection rests on Jesus’ resurrection (Romans 8:11).

A Few Good Men!

Mark N. Posey

Mark N. Posey“Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens”(Exodus 18:21). “There is no greater art in the world than to develop the latent capacities of those around us by yoking them to useful service” (F.B. Meyer). Second Timothy 2:2 is a good biblical example of that principle.

Among those with whom we would do well to be yoked are: (1) Men of ability: able men. Are you ready to do God’s work? (2) Men of godliness: such as fear God. Job was such a man! (3) Men of God’s Word: men of truth. Buy the truth and sell it not! (4) Men of honor: hating covetousness. My treasure is in Heaven!

Are you a man of God worthy of His work delegated into your care? Are you one of the few good men?

How’s Your Prayer Life?

1 Peter 3:7, 8-12; 4:7

Mark N. Posey

Whatever hinders our prayer lives must be eliminated. However, right living will enhance our prayer lives! Notice 3 ways prayers are strengthened: (1) Faithful Husbandry (1 Peter 3:7). Pray with her! (2) Faithful Service (1 Peter 3:8-12). Pray for them! (3) Faithful Expectation (1 Peter 4:7). Pray for self!

Prayer is an area that Satan attacks relentlessly because it is a great weapon against evil. May we always live in such a way that our prayers are never hindered.

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