Cliff Holmes
It is becoming more and more common to see church attendance dominated by women. Worldwide there is a shortage of preachers and adult male Bible class teachers. In congregations all over the world, it is becoming more and more difficult to find deacons and elders. In the homes of so many people there are countless problems because of absent fathers. “Where are all the men?”
I acknowledge that there are many fine Christian men with the ability to be good, sound teachers, preachers, elders and deacons. They, however, are becoming more difficult to find, and sometimes harder to persuade that their service in the Lord’s church is most imperative.
From the creation, God’s plan was for men to be the leaders in the family and in the church (Genesis 1:16; Ephesians 5:22-24; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Timothy 2:8-15; 3:1-13). Many men have not fulfilled their responsibilities. When men fail to assume their responsibilities as leaders in the home and in the church, the problem is compounded. The result is that many young men have not truly been taught what it means to be a man in service to the Lord.
If this problem is not addressed now, there is greater trouble for the Lord’s church in the future. Every father needs to think daily about the example he is setting for his sons and grandsons. What will they view as important in this life based on our example? Will they be ready when the time comes to be leaders in the church and in families of their own one day?
It is now for us to stand as men and be examples in word and deed for the boys and the young men we are raising today. The children of today will be the leaders of the church tomorrow. What kind of leadership will they show? Will they be strong in the faith, sound in the doctrine of Christ, or will they be so bound and hindered by the cares of a hurry and worry work-a-day life that they fail to render true and faithful service for the Lord?
I am of the firm conviction that every man who calls himself a Christian needs to prepare himself so that when the call for service comes, whether to be a Bible class teacher, a deacon, an elder, a preacher or any other work for the cause of Christ, he ought to answer, “Here am I send me.” Don’t people wonder, “Where are all the men?” Stand like a man and say, “Here am I, put me to work.”
A Common Hermeneutic
Cecil May, Jr.
A specific commandment authorizes; silence about similar things prohibits. The apostolic command is to sing; silence about other kinds of music intentionally omits them.
That is a common hermeneutic that we all learned as children. When mama said, “Go play in the backyard,” “backyard” was specific. It commanded an enjoyable and a familiar play place. We learned quickly that her silence about other play places prohibited: playing in the street or inside Phillip’s house next door, for example.
Why do we understand that so readily in every venue except in worship to God?