Ronald D. Reeves
The ideal congregation has a membership that works well with others and strives to deepen godly fellowship with other faithful members. Paul’s working relationship with the Philippians was set in a positive light and provides an example for us (Philippians 4:3). John expressed interest in promoting godly fellowship as he addressed first century Christians (1 John 1:3). Working well with others contributes to deeper and stronger fellowship among faithful children of God. Those having achieved a quality working relationship with their coworkers do not place an emphasis upon personal power, prestige, influence or position. Rather, these seek the position and work for which they are best suited in the local congregation (1 Corinthians 12). Through such efforts, godly fellowship is promoted and qualitatively impacted. The passage of time may present one with opportunities to elect to work more closely with other children of God. May we possess the wisdom that will assist us in electing alternatives which will positively enhance our personal working relationship with others in the body of Christ, even at the expense of personal power, prestige and influence.
[Editor’s Note: Most of the fussing and divisiveness within local congregations could be avoided or curbed when it appears upon remembering to Whom the church belongs—Jesus Christ. The body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or church is not human property over which mortals dare wrangle among themselves for dominance in any way (3 John 9-11). Every child of God is a servant of Christ. “…a servant of the Lord must not quarrel…” (2 Timothy 2:24 NKJV). ~ Louis Rushmore, Editor]
Together on Earth,
Together in Eternity
Dale Grissom
The writer of Hebrews admonished the saints in the early church, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). It is very important for brethren to assemble together to worship God and to fellowship with each another. When we regularly gather together, we partake of a spiritual food that is essential to our spiritual growth. When we fail to feed on the Word, to worship and to fellowship with one another, we become weak and in danger of dying spiritually.
Christians are the family of God, and, like our earthly families, we need each other. We are a special people, and as such, we should enjoy being together. “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another” (Romans 12:10). It is only natural that we should grow to love and to cherish our spiritual family while living on earth, for we are destined to be together for eternity in Heaven.
We may occasionally hear someone declare, “I don’t need anyone.” This is the wrong attitude to have about life, and the person who makes such a statement may be hiding his loneliness behind the appearance of independence. Just as others are affected by our lives, we are affected by others. We need people in our lives—people to love, especially within our spiritual family. We need to know the joy of brotherly love and friendship. The best way to achieve such a relationship is by faithfully growing together with our church family in love, friendship and in the knowledge of the Word of God.
Life is so short—far too short—to live a life separated from our spiritual family and the special blessings that relationship offers. May we all endeavor to live closer to the Lord and cleave to Him, walking as far from the world as we can. Let us remain faithful unto death (Revelations 2:10), always striving for that crown of life the Lord has promised.