Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 21 Number 11 November 2019
Page 13

A New Day

Chad Ezelle

This day is yours; what are you going to do with it? Psalm 118 reminds us that this day—just like every other day—is a reason for celebration. God gave it to us (Psalm 118:24) and filled it up with possibilities and opportunities to use it for His purposes.

At midnight, it was given to us free of any kind of charge, but we must be careful. Although it was free, it’s non-renewable. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Our responsibility is to use this day in service to God and His purposes.

Today, will you treasure your time? Will you give God the glory? The thanksgiving? Will you look for the opportunities and possibilities with which God has blessed you?

It’s the day the Lord made, for sure. Yet, how you live it depends on your choices and decisions.

Hitting the Books

Derek Broome

Derek BroomeThere is excitement in the air as a new school year begins. Students, parents, teachers and administrators run around making sure all the final details are in place to begin the new year right. Students arrive to their first day of classes and teachers hand out the syllabi for the new year. Contained in these documents are lists of projects, tests, miscellaneous assignments and all the dates when these things will happen or must be submitted. Also listed in many syllabi are books and materials that will be needed and used to complete the assignments. Essentially, the students have, or are told where to find, everything they will need to be successful in each of their classes. Then, it is time to hit the books. Hard work and dedication can make for an excellent school year.

Just like each of these students, we have been given access to everything we need to know to be successful Christians, too. In 2 Peter 1:3 we read, “As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.” The Word of God teaches us about God, His Plan, His Love, His Will and His Promises. The Word of God is inspired, profitable and can truly change our lives forever. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We have all that we need.

Unfortunately, just like many students who put off starting their assignments until the night before or just simply do not do the work, we are tempted sometimes to put off our study and preparation in God’s Word. With the Word of God before us, we have all that we need, but we must use it. We must study. We must prepare. In Acts 17:10-11, the Bereans made it a point to search the Scriptures daily. We must be like the Bereans and search out the Scriptures daily, striving to be like God has called us to be.

As we begin each day, let us not forget to keep hitting the books. Let us find ourselves diving deeper and deeper into God’s Word. Life is full of tests and opportunities, and we do not know what the next moment will unfold. However, if we will study the Word and truly prepare, we will be ready. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Let us all keep hitting the books, or should I say “the Book,” so we can continue to grow in God’s Word.

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