Directions to West Virginia
School Of Preaching
From the North on WV State Rt. 2:
Follow U.S. 250 East [left exit]; left at first red light
[still follow U.S. 250 East]; turn right on to Poplar Ave. [yellow brick
church building on corner]; continue on Poplar until the stop sign at the
"T" [little grocery store on left]; turn left on to 4th St.; shortly past
a school on the left is the Hillview Terrace church building [on the corner
of 4th St. & Willard Ave., indicated by the red

From the South on WV State Rt. 2:
Follow WV State Rt. 2 North; turn right on to 12th Street
[traffic light at bridge crossing the Ohio River]; turn left on to Jefferson
Ave.; turn right on to 5th St.; after one block, turn left on to Baker
Ave.; after one block turn right on to 4th St.; continue on 4th St. several
blocks; shortly past a school on the left is the Hillview Terrace church
building [on the corner of 4th St. & Willard Ave.].

From OH State Rt. 7:
Cross the Ohio River at Moundsville; once in West Virginia,
proceed through the traffic light [indicated by the red
X] on 12th St.; turn left on to Jefferson Ave.; turn right on to
5th St.; after one block, turn left on to Baker Ave.; after one block turn
right on to 4th St.; continue on 4th St. several blocks; shortly past a
school on the left is the Hillview Terrace church building [on the corner
of 4th St. & Willard Ave.].
West Virginia School of Preaching
Denver Cooper, Director
304-845-7227 or Toll Free 1-888-418-4573 or e-mail
Fourth Street & Willard Avenue
P.O. Box 785
Moundsville, West Virginia 26041
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