West Virginia School of Preaching
Denver Cooper, Director

Admission Procedures

Student Application

Each prospective student is encouraged to request a student application one year prior to his enrollment at West Virginia School of Preaching (WVSOP). This lead time affords the hopeful student sufficient time to secure his financial support. Full-time students are prohibited from engaging in secular employment during their two-year studies due to the intensity of the West Virginia School of Preaching program. Each student is wholly responsible for arranging his own financial support. West Virginia School of Preaching staff, though, will gladly advise prospective students upon request.

Advance application also enables WVSOP to process a student’s application and verify his personal and congregational references. A satisfactorily completed and approved application and student interview are required prior to fundraising activities in which West Virginia School of Preaching is cited as one’s future school of enrollment.

Applications can be requested at any time by calling toll free (888) 418-4573 or by writing to Denver Cooper, Director; West Virginia School of Preaching; P.O. Box 785; Moundsville, WV 26041 or by e-mail (dirwvsop@aol.com). WVSOP welcomes applicants of any race, color, age and ethnic background. Successful applicants will be faithful and active members of biblically sound congregations among the churches of Christ.

Admission Requirements

A prospective student does not have to demonstrate academic excellence to obtain admission to West Virginia School of Preaching. However, each student is required to maintain a standard of academic proficiency to remain a student. Therefore, a prospective student should soberly reflect on his aptitude and ability to endure the rigors of a vigorous curriculum. Student introspection and WVSOP review will help lessen false starts by students.

To be favorably considered for admission to West Virginia School of Preaching, each student must evidence spiritual and emotional maturity. The prospective student's wife also must be a faithful Christian and equally committed to her husband's decision to prepare for a preaching ministry.

Transfers to WVSOP

Each application for transfer from another school of preaching or college will be carefully reviewed. West Virginia School of Preaching reserves the right to deny admission to applicants who have been dismissed from other schools. Otherwise, an applicant's academic performance and course compatibility with WVSOP courses will be considered for admission. 

Audit Students

All regular students are enrolled full-time for credit toward graduation. West Virginia School of Preaching does not have a program for part-time students. However, preachers, elders, deacons, student wives and other interested members of the church are welcome to audit one or more classes.

Foreign Students

West Virginia School of Preaching does not ordinarily enroll foreign students for the following reasons: (1) Foreign students whose first language is not English are greatly disadvantaged due to the large amount of reading necessary in WVSOP’s accelerated program. (2) Several schools outside the United States, often on the same continent or in the country of a prospective foreign student, are available for preacher preparation. (3) Frequently, foreign students who attend American schools are reluctant to return to their native lands, thus annulling one of their often stated purposes for preparing themselves to preach the Gospel. (4) The methods of evangelism and preaching learned in our American schools are often counterproductive for the foreign student to adequately communicate the Gospel to his native people.

Extension or Correspondence Courses

West Virginia School of Preaching presently has no provision for correspondence courses. 

Veterans Benefits

West Virginia School of Preaching is currently a participant in the Veterans Administration’s benefits program for education.
West Virginia School of Preaching
Denver Cooper, Director
304-845-7227 or Toll Free 1-888-418-4573 or e-mail
Fourth Street & Willard Avenue
P.O. Box 785
Moundsville, West Virginia 26041

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