Denver Cooper photo

Denver Cooper, Director 
West Virginia School of Preaching

A Message From the Director

WVSOP had its first enrollment of preacher students in August 1994. We are dedicated to stand in the “old paths,” believing in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible. The church of Christ is the one true body of believers.

As we enter our ninth year, the elders, director and faculty remain faithful to the Restoration Plea, having proved their loyalty to Christ and His church through many years of labor and service.

Those who have graduated have acquired a reputation for preaching sound doctrine. Elders and other leaders of the Ohio Valley churches expect our students to hold high standards and preach pure, New Testament Christianity. We invite mature, godly men who are faithful to Christ and His church to visit our facility and investigate our curriculum. Deserving students may qualify for scholarship money.

West Virginia School of Preaching continues under the oversight of the elders of the Hillview Terrace Church of Christ, meeting at E. 4th Street and Willard Avenue, Moundsville, West Virginia.


Contact West Virginia School of Preaching for a personal visit from the director to acquaint your congregation with the great work of preacher training. Perhaps his visit will motivate a young man or even a young family to devote themselves to the Lord's work in this capacity.


West Virginia School of Preaching
Denver Cooper, Director
304-845-7227 or Toll Free 1-888-418-4573 or email:
Fourth Street & Willard Avenue
P.O. Box 785
Moundsville, West Virginia 26041

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