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Barbara Hanna

is a writer, publisher and owner of Hanna Publications. She has written eight reproducible lesson books for grades one through four, and three non-reproducible lesson books for grades five and six. Mrs. Hanna recently edited and published Bible Boot Camp: Basic Training (written by Bonnie L. Gary), which is available in a thirteen-lesson format, as well as reproducible VBS curriculum. She worships with the Vinland church of Christ (Kansas), and teachers her lessons to students prior to publication. Sister Hanna has taught preschoolers through seventh graders as well as ladies' classes. Having spoken at several Ladies' Days and Retreats, Mrs. Hanna is presently scheduling speaking engagements for the fall of 1999 through the year 2000. You may read more about her books at the Hanna Publications web site: Reproducible class material is an affordable and a convenient alternative that became available in secular education years ago. Sister Hanna is biblically conservative and provides fresh, stimulating Bible lessons for children. Through her company, Hanna Publications, sister Hanna publishes excellent material that belongs in your Bible classes, family devotions and homeschooling. Barbara Hanna may be contacted at