This biographical sketch is no longer
being updated and may be outdated.
John L. Kachelman, Jr.,
is an evangelist for the churches of Christ. He has preached
since he was sixteen years old. He was born in Florence, AL. He attended
Freed-Hardeman University (1971-1973), the University of Alabama (1973-1974)
and graduated from Freed-Hardeman University in 1976. He is married to
the former Jennifer Davenport (of Chattanooga, TN) and they have four children:
Brian is living away from home; John III and Rachel are students at Freed-Hardeman
University; and Rebekah is a high school junior. John has served local
congregations in Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky. He has been
with the Elizabethtown, KY congregation since the summer of 1991. He has
written expository commentaries on: Judges, 1 Samuel, Amos, Jonah, Nahum,
Habakkuk, Malachi, Colossians, Philemon, 2 Peter and Revelation. He has
written Bible study materials on: God and Atheism, The Apostle Paul, Fundamental
Doctrines, Building Strong Families With Proverbs and Current Questions.
He is a frequent writer for various religious publications. He has served
on the Board of Directors for two different Christian Child Care agencies
(in Missouri and Kentucky). He has been involved in foreign mission work
since 1994 and travels to the Ukraine twice a year. He helped establish
the preacher training school in Donetsk, Ukraine. Last year he was accepted
as a partner in OPERATION PROVIDE HOPE which is a federally funded relief
transportation program operated through the U.S. Department of State, through
which he has been able to ship thousands of pounds of benevolent supplies
into Ukraine which were distributed through the Lord’s Church.