Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 1, No. 4Page 19April 1999

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles
World Evangelism

Mission News From Greece

March 25, 1999.

Our beloved brethren in Christ,

We thank God for everything He allows to happen for we know all things work for good for those who love the Lord. Kossovo is north of Greece and we hope that a political solution will be found quickly to stop the possibility of war in this region.

As we share with you our most recent news from the mission work in Greece we would like to express our deep appreciation to the Lord for the life He is giving us and to you for your support to the Roussos family and the work in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.


It is very hard to believe, but it is true. Hesham died in Knoxville Tennessee on March 11. Hesham came to Greece from Egypt to find a better job and a better future. He met the church of Christ and he became a member of the Lord's church. He had a great zeal for the Lord's work and a great desire to spread the good news to his people. Egypt is a country of 60.000.000 people and they only have one Gospel preacher of the churches of Christ.

Hesham decided to study God's Holy Word and was a student at the East Tennessee Bible School in Knoxville, Tennessee.

As he was returning to his apartment from the church in the evening of a rainy day his car hit a telephone pole and Hesham was declared dead upon arrival at the hospital.

We had the difficult task of informing his brother in Athens about his death as well as all the Arab brethren of our congregation.

His body was shipped to Egypt and he was buried over there. Hesham's dream was to return back to Egypt and establish the Lord's church in Alexandria.

In Athens there are many Egyptians. Let us pray that we can convert some of them, train them in our Bible school and send them to preach the Word in their country.


Next week I will take the bus for the 13 hour journey to Sofia, Bulgaria. The church that we assisted to be established in 1990 has a membership of 165 now and they rent the Opera House where they have their worship on Sundays.

God's willing I will preach the Gospel of Christ in Bulgaria again. They don't have a regular Gospel preacher and they asked me to go and preach for them.

I need help toward travel expenses since they need me to teach the word of God in Bulgaria in April and in Albania the second week of August. The fields are ready, the workers are a few.


As you know recently we had a crisis that almost led to war with Turkey because of the Otcalan case (the Kurdish leader). Kosovo is close to Greece. Let us pray for peace. We want to bring the message of salvation to various cities in Greece and Cyprus. Christians asked me to prepare Gospel meetings for three Greek cities where we donut have churches of Christ yet: 1) Rhodes, 2) Nicosia, Cyprus and 3) Trikala, North Greece.

Brethren, we are happy to preach God's word in this mission field. Please pray that we will find financial support to travel and preach, to publish books, and to establish new congregations of the churches of Christ in other cities and nations. We love you and appreciate you for all you are doing for us.

In Christ,

Dino Roussos

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Louis Rushmore, Editor
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