Back To The Spring
By Curtis A. Cates
[Forest Hill News, Memphis, Forest Hill Church of
Christ, Vol. 25, No. 25, June 29, 1999, pp. 1-2.]
The handiwork of God is simply amazing. What a marvel
is the majesty of the towering Rockies, or the luring fascination of the
Smokies, or the simple beauty of the vividly painted canyons of the West!
But, unsurpassed in the mind of this writer is the pure and graceful spring
of water, bursting forth from a mountain’s lofty heights. However,
it seems nothing so clear can long remain.
Very vivid in the writer’s memory is his having climbed
Mt. LeConte in the Great Smoky Mountains with his father and his brother,
Paul, some forty-one years ago. In memory’s eye, the hike must have
been twenty miles to the summit and six miles down. What a welcomed
sight was a clear, sparkling spring gushing forth from rocks through which
it had percolated and cascaded! How refreshing it was! How
renewing and revitalizing! Could this stream, clear as crystal, ever
become contaminated and muddy?
What a thing of beauty to see it splash and meander down
the gorge, displaying in sparkling fascination its water-tumbled and smoothed
pebbles, its rainbow-colored trout and even the reflection of its awe-struck
observer! However, farther down the gorge when streams from other
sources in the valley have fed their mud, filth and debris into the steadily
enlarging stream, no longer can one observe the darting fish or the washed
pebbles, nor can he see his reflection.
The person wishing to see the pure, sparkling, uncontaminated
water must proceed upward, rising ever beyond the streams entering this
one, up, up, up the gorge until he comes to the sparkling spring, pure
as crystal.
High in the mountain peaks of Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-3)
nearly two thousand years ago burst forth a spring of “living water,” a
fountain which the prophets saw (Isaiah 12:1-3; 49:10; 44:3), a veritable
oasis in a parched desert (Psalms 143:6). Zechariah had excitedly
spoken of and predicted “the Fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness”
(Zechariah 13:1). The Old Testament had stated that from Christ,
the Messiah, would “flow rivers of living water” (John 7:27-28), water
which – if partaken – would slake the thirst of the famished, “springing
up into everlasting life” (John 4:13-14); and, this fountain would be always
flowing, for its source would be the unfailing and unfathomable depths
of infinite grace and divine wisdom (Isaiah 8:6). No other water
could possibly satisfy!
“As the hart panteth after the water brooks,
So panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God,
for the living God: When shall I come and appear before God” (Psalms 42:1-2)?
Only “living water” – nothing else – could bring rest from
the deepest cravings and otherwise insatiable cries of the human soul.
“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for
thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water
is (Psalms 63:1).
What a thing of beauty to visualize the unadulterated
water of life, pure as crystal, springing forth from Jerusalem, making
its way to Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth; all
heard the Word (Acts 19:10; Colossians 1:23)! Into this mirroring,
sparkling fountain could the sinner look and behold his natural face.
If he allowed it to change his life, he could be saved (James 1:21-25).
The welcomed message was, “And he that is athirst, let him come: he that
will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17).
The Holy Spirit had revealed an inspired message, and the first century
church vigorously proclaimed it. Could this pure, spiritually revitalizing
stream ever become contaminated by the opinions and traditions of men?
Scarcely had the Gospel been preached to the world, however,
but that the “water of life” began to be corrupted by the “muddy streams”
of human philosophy, judaizing heresy, decadent worldliness, presumptuous
creeds and ecclesiasticisms and corrupt worship. Meandering through
the centuries of the Dark Ages and the Reformation, the stream’s muddy,
impure nature was but exacerbated by the ever increasing debris of superstition,
skepticism, rationalism, liberalism, denominationalism, et al.
Famishing sinners, hungering and thirsting after righteousness,
could no longer see their actual image in the stream; it had lost its life-giving
power. Inasmuch as the sin-polluted, guilt-ridden, desperately-diseased
soul has the exact needs today as in the first century, one must proceed
back, back, back, beyond the muddy, filthy streams of human traditions
which corrupted the original stream of primitive Gospel. Having traced
it beyond the Reformation, beyond the Dark Ages, beyond the apostasy of
the first few centuries, the sinner must imbibe the pure water of life
spoken by the apostles of Christ. The old Jerusalem Gospel – and
it alone – can save today. The Pentecostians heard the Gospel, repented
of past sins and were baptized for the remission of sins. The Lord
added them to the church of Christ, the primitive body for which Christ
The faith once for all delivered unto the saints (Jude
3) will be obeyed by honest hearts, lived by the faithful, proclaimed by
Gospel preachers and defended by all Christians, especially elders.
And faithful men will continue teaching the unadulterated truth to faithful
men, who shall teach others also.