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Selected News & Events
Truth For The World: Truth
for the World (TFTW) is multi-media evangelistic effort under the
oversight of the Olive Branch (MS) church of Christ. Television,
radio, campaigns and literature are coordinated to reach the world's masses
with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Statistics (recorded from
March, 1992) reveal: monthly teaching paper increased from 2,000
sent to 18 nations in 1992 to 22,000 sent to 123 nations in 1999; letters
received, 42,974; known baptisms, 2,935; restorations, 702; congregations
established, 55; tracts sent, 3,025,738; Bibles sent, 11,676; song books
sent, 5,903; teaching books sent, 10,707; Bible correspondence students,
122,388; radio stations that carry TFTW programming reaching every major
continent by short wave while using AM and FM in some areas; television
stations carrying TFTW programming in various cities in the United States,
Canada, Zambia and Nigeria. For a monthly Update or to help financially,
write Truth for the World, P.O. Box 751135, Memphis, TN 38175-1135 or visit
them on the internet at www.tftw.org.
Schools with which brother Jim Waldron
works in India and Nepal have a promising
enrollment for the 1999-2000 school year. Total enrollment is 521.
Instructors are needed: "We are in great need of gospel preachers
or other faithful brothers who will go over for one month or longer to
teach in the schools. If you would like to help please write the
Dunlap elders and let them know. As you realize, we want sound teachers
for all the schools so we have a questionnaire which we ask all potential
teachers to fill out. When you write, please indicate that you would
like to have a copy of the questionnaire." Sponsored by the Dunlap
Church of Christ, P.O. Box 123, Dunlap, TN 37327.
Chimala Mission: The Chimala
Mission (Tanzania) effort includes
a Christian school, hospital and school of preaching. Opportunities
to serve and needs are several, and include the following desired items:
Kodak Ektagraphic Slide Projectors (4), slide trays for these projectors
(10), a motorized golf cart, a warning siren, good Bible reference books
and KJV audio tapes of the Bible. For full details of this mission
work and a monthly newsletter, contact the New York Avenue Church of Christ,
5371 New York Avenue, Arlington, TX 76108; (817) 419-7909; e-mail: chimalabob@aol.com.
August 3-6, 1999: 13th Annual Greater
Kanawha Valley Lectureship, "Hope--The Confidence of Christianity," hosted
by the Washington Street church of Christ, St. Albans, WV. Call James
Brinkley at (304)727-5966 and e-mail him at jmbrink@email.msn.com.
August 13-15, 1999: Hill
Country Lectures, "Back to God for a Moral Standard," hosted by the Llano
church of Christ, 402 W. Main, Llano, TX 78643. Call (915) 247-4426.
August 21, 1999: 5th
Annual Southeast Missouri Lectureship, "Final Things: the False and
the True," hosted by the Sunnyview church of Christ, P.O. Box 896, Farmington,
MO 63640. Call (573) 756-5925 or 756-3595.
September 18, 1999: Bible
Bowl, hosted by the Camden Avenue church of Christ, 2900 Camden Ave., Parkersburg,
WV 26101. For more information, call Brian Jones at (304) 428-0504.
October 17-21, 1999:
Annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship, "Then Cometh the End," hosted by the
Getwell church of Christ, 1511 Getwell Road, Memphis, Tennessee 38111.
Call 1-901-743-0464.
October 25-29, 1999: West Virginia
School of Preaching Lectureship, hosted by the Hillview Terrace church
of Christ, Fourth Street & Willard Avenue, P.O. Box 785, Moundsville,
West Virginia 26041. Call Toll Free 1-888-418-4573 or email: emanuelbd@juno.com.