Stops on the Way to Calvary
Few of us know which of our days will be our last, but when
one does, it changes the complexity of that day and those leading up to
it. To a man on death row, for instance, every event leading up to
his last breath takes on new significance. The last meal, the last
visit with loved ones, the last change of clothes, the last words—are all
more significant than they would be under any other circumstances.
Death did not sneak up on Jesus. He laid down his
life at the time appointed (John 10:18). In light of this, it is
interesting to note the stops he made as he walked toward a hill called
Across the River.
“When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over
the brook Cedron . . .” (John 18:1). As Jesus and the disciples left
the upper room and proceeded to the eastern gate, they doubtlessly had
to negotiate their way through crowds of pilgrims who were preparing to
celebrate the Passover the following day, according to the prevailing custom
in Judah. They went down the steep valley and crossed the channel
of the brook Cedron (Kidron), which was located east of Jerusalem between
the city wall and the Mount of Olives. (Though it dries up at certain
times of the year, it was still flowing at this season from the late winter
The name Kidron means “murky” or “dark”
and refers to the type water that flowed in it. The name is symbolic,
too, as this was one of the darkest, murkiest nights in human history.
As they passed over Kidron, Barclay points out, Jesus must have been reminded
of his coming sacrifice. All the Passover lambs were killed in the
Temple, and the blood of the lambs was poured on the altar as an offering
to God. The number of lambs slain for the Passover was immense.
On one occasion, only thirty years after this, a census was taken and the
number was 256,000! We may imagine what the Temple courts were like
when the blood of all these lambs was dashed on to the altar. From
the altar there was a channel down to the brook Kidron, and through that
channel the blood of the Passover lambs drained away (Barclay). When
Jesus crossed the brook, it must have still been red with the blood of
sacrificial lambs. This must have brought vividly to mind the thought
of his own sacrifice, our “Passover Lamb” (1 Corinthians 5:7).
An interesting parallel comes from Old Testament history.
King David had to pass over Kidron when Absalom ran him out of his own
palace (2 Samuel 15:23; cf. John 18:23). There are some interesting
similarities between these two trips over Kidron.
Both David and Jesus were throneless kings, accompanied by
their closest friends and rejected by their own people (cf. John 1:3-4).
Both David and Jesus were betrayed by someone close to them
(Psalms 41:9; Matthew 26:15-16).
David’s treacherous counselor hanged himself (2 Samuel 17:23),
and his betrayer Absalom was caught hanging in a tree and killed (2 Samuel
18:9-17). Similarly, Judas hanged himself (Matthew 27:3-10).
On A Mountain (Matthew
26:30-35). Jesus had just celebrated his last Passover with his disciples
and had only a little while with his closest friends before he would turn
himself over to the authorities. To have stayed in the upper room
would have been dangerous. With the authorities on the watch for
him, and with Judas bent on treachery, the Upper Room could be raided at
any time. So they moved locations to the Mount of Olives.
Here Jesus predicted Peter’s denial and Peter denied the
denial. During the night, though, Peter did fail the Master.
He denied association with him (Matthew 26:69-75). How it must have
hurt to have his closest friends forsake him in his darkest hour!
Interestingly, as he was being taken from one hall to another, or through
an open window, Jesus looked at Peter, just after the third denial (Luke
22:61). This caused Peter to remember Jesus’ prediction and to go
out to weep bitterly.
In A Garden (Matthew
26:31-46; Luke 22:39-46). From the Mount of Olives they stepped over
to the private Garden called Gethsemane. Here Jesus prayed as no
man had ever prayed before (Luke 22:45). Some wealthy friend had
evidently given Jesus the privilege of using this garden, and it was there
that Jesus went to fight his lonely battle. It is encouraging to
think of the nameless friends who rallied round Jesus in his last days.
There was the man who gave him the ass on which he rode into Jerusalem;
there was the man who gave him the Upper Room wherein the Last Supper was
eaten; and now there is the man who gave him use of this garden on the
Mount of Olives. In a desert of hatred, there were still oases of
The fact that Judas knew to look for him in Gethsemane
shows that Jesus was in the habit of going there (cf. John 18:2).
In Jerusalem itself there were no gardens of any size, for a city set on
the top of an hill has no room for open spaces; every inch is of value
for building or streets. Further, there was a strange law that the
city’s sacred soil might not be polluted with manure for gardens (MacArthur).
So wealthy citizens bought property on the Mount of Olives and had private
gardens on its slopes (Barclay).
Guides in modern Jerusalem can take visitors to four different
sites that lay claim to being the ancient Garden of Gethsemane. The
Garden certainly lay on the western slope of Olivet. Perhaps the
most widely accepted site, and surely the most popular, is outside the
east wall of Jerusalem near the “Church of All Nations.” Most pilgrims
visiting Jerusalem are shown this little garden on a hillside. It
is tended by Franciscan friars, and in it there are eight olive trees of
such girth that they go back to a time before the Moslem conquest of Palestine.
It is not possible that they go back to the time of Jesus, for the Romans
destroyed all the trees in their invasion of Judea in A.D. 70, but certainly
the little paths criss-crossing the Mount of Olives once welcome the feet
of Jesus.
Why a garden? Human history began in a Garden (Genesis
2:7-25) and so did sin (Genesis 3). The first Adam rebelled in Eden
and brought sin and death into the world, but the Last Adam (1 Corinthians
15:45), submitted in Gethsemane and brought life and salvation back.
For the redeemed, the whole story will climax in a “garden city” where
there will be no sin (Revelation 21:1-22:7). Between the Garden where
man failed and the Garden where God reigns, is the Garden of Gethsemane.
Stop by and visit these places once in a while.
They have significance in our pilgrim journey as well.