Vol. 1, No. 7 | Page 4 | July 1999 |
The HalobacteriaBy David P. EversonThese salt requiring bacteria live in some of the most unlikely environments on earth. In order to do this, they must have a tremendous ability to withstand very unusual conditions. They are found in salt mines, brines and salt lakes. In fact, the halobacteria require a minimum of a 9% salt concentration, but prefer an optimum concentration of 21 to 27% salt solution. They cannot survive in seawater as seawater is only a 3.5% salt solution. Even though evolutionists feel they are related to marine organisms, the halobacteria will rupture and die in seawater. How did this very diverse genetic ability for survival develop from random accidents working on a tiny piece of primitive genetic material? No one can prove how this happened or even if it is possible. It would make much more sense if a very large complex molecule was present in the parental heritage. This was indeed the case, and is now called Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)--put there by the Creator. The marvelous fit of organisms to their environment is further evidence of a most marvelous Creator. LightningBy David P. EversonThe following are a few facts we do know about this part of God's creation. A bolt of lightning is, in actuality, a channel of pulsing electrical energy 2 inches across, ranging in length from 200 feet to as long as 20 miles. It zips through the air at 90,000 miles per second (almost half the speed of light). Due to this speed, it is impossible to see that the bolt is traveling from the ground up and not from the sky down as most people believe. The air heated by this electrical discharge may be up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, five times the temperature of the sun. Most (almost three fourths) of the energy of a bolt of lightning is used while heating the air and producing the clap of thunder, but enough energy remains to deliver a full 125 million volts of electricity. With 100 lightning bolts every second (that's 8 million per day), lightning produces more energy than all the electric generators in the United States. How do thunderclouds get so charged with electricity? The process is complex and poorly understood, yet this force of nature is small when compared with the power of its Creator. Indeed, "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork" (Psalms 19:1). |
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