Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 1, No. 6 Page 19 June 1999

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

India: Excerpts From the Waldron Newsletter

On Saturday the 8th of May forty-nine men received their diplomas in Bible from the Dindigul Bible Institute. It was May 1989 when the school first opened its doors, thus we have now ended our tenth year of operation. Those who finish the three-year course in January receive their diplomas in May. These forty-nine bring the total of graduates to 297. Of these we know of 35 or 40 who have fallen away from the faith, but some 85 percent are still faithful and the vast majority are preaching and supporting themselves.

Philippines/Malaysia: Via Truth For The World Trip Report

On March 29, 1999, Rod and Brenda Rutherford, Paul Meacham and John M. Grubb began their most recent trip to the Philippines.
The first efforts scheduled at the Capitol City church in Quezon City, Metro Manila were the Evangelism Seminar and Song-leading Seminar. We already had a number of contacts in the Philippines due to our radio program and literature program. We sent letters to these contacts ahead of time inviting them to attend this effort in Manila. We were pleasantly surprised at the large numbers of brethren who attended from all over the Philippines. Many traveled several hours to attend this effort. One brother, Carlito Abella, traveled from Mindanao to attend this effort. In order to get to Manila, brother Abella rode in a boat for four days.
While in the Philippines, Rod, Paul and John preached for various congregations as well. Brenda spoke at the Women's Seminar. Following these efforts in the Philippines, the Rutherfords and Paul Meacham returned to the States while John Grubb continued to Malaysia. There John preached in several Gospel meetings at various locations. He returned home after being gone from his family for 31 days.

Athens, Greece: From Dino Roussos

The last few weeks we have been in touch with many members of the church in Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria and the United States concerning the war in Kossovo. There are thousands of refugees and the churches of Christ in Albania are doing GREAT work assisting the refugees over there. . . . I am proud of our brethren over there and the way they are involved, feeding the refugees, taking care of their basic needs and at the same time sharing the Gospel of Christ with them.
Efforts in Greece see the church working among "Greeks, Bulgarians, Russians, Egyptians, Filipinos and others." Also, good contact exists with some Arabs and Romanians.

Jakarta, Indonesia: Susan and Steve Waller

In April, Susan and Steve Waller were required to leave Indonesia for about seven weeks to extricate themselves from heightened violence, especially as new national elections were looming in the near future.
This change in our regular routine is very costly to us from a financial standpoint and disruptive to our activities. It will cause me to incur travel expenses for which we had not planned. It will prevent us from attending our language classes for about two months, and will also keep us away from good, faithful brethren in Indonesia whom we are growing to love more and more. It will cause us to interrupt and postpone important teaching that we have been doing in helping to develop the congregation here. Susan and I are scheduled to return together to Jakarta from Singapore, June 22.
During his absence from Indonesia, Steve is preaching at several congregations in Malaysia.

Ukriane: Kerry and Karla Sword

Kerry and Karla Sword who are missionaries in Ukraine . . . will be returning to the States this fall for a vacation [September] and time to see their supporters. They are in need of a mini-van(they have 5 children) for their time in the States. Does anyone know of a member of the church or just a very nice individual who owns a car dealership who would loan them such a vehicle while they are in the States? They really don't have the money to lease or rent one while here. If you know of someone would you please ask them if they can help with this situation. The vehicle would need to be in a convenient location for them to get it. Thank you so much. Mark McWhorter, 420 Chula Vista Mtn Rd., Pell City AL

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Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore, Editor
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Steubenville, Ohio 43953-3353
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