The Compromise of
Theistic Evolution, Part 2
What’s Wrong With Theistic Evolution?
Is theistic evolution biblical, and therefore acceptable?
No! It is not! It is one of the most dangerous compromises
ever to befall the Bible-believer. To compromise on the matter of
origins is certain to lead, at one point or another, to compromise in yet
another area, and then another, and then another, ad infintum.
If the first chapters of the Bible are untrustworthy (and therefore subject
to compromise), why should we think that any of the other chapters is any
different? Another point that must be stressed is this (and it cannot
be stressed too heavily!): Give a man a false, warped concept of his
origin, and you can rest assured that he will have a false, warped concept
of his destiny! Theistic evolution is a false compromise of what
God said God did. Here are just a few things wrong with theistic
1. There is no theistic statement which shows theistic
evolution to be true. God never said he used evolution to create
man. In fact, he said just the opposite. “. . . God could have
accomplished the origin of life in any way he chose, by evolution or by
creation, but an admission that there is a God and that he made such an
accomplishment in any way, means that we are totally dependent upon his
revelation to determine which way. His revelation declares creation,
not evolution” (Robert Camp, A Critical Look at Evolution.
Atlanta, Georgia. 1972. pp. 205-206). Indeed, the texts throughout
the Bible (Genesis 1-2; Exodus 20:11; 31:17; Nehemiah 9:6, et. al.) plainly
teach fiat creation and do not even hint of any kind of evolutionary
process. In fact, we are plainly told that the entire creation took
place in six days – not over multiplied billions of years. Furthermore,
we are told that “He spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood
fast” (Psalms 33:6-9). Any interpretation with attempts to “stretch”
the instantaneous, creative work of God over multiplied billions of years
will quickly find itself speaking against the plain and simple statements
of God himself. God said he did it instantaneously – in six days!
2. Theistic evolution is wrong because the Bible
states that Adam was the first man. Paul (1 Corinthians 15:45)
and Moses (Genesis 1-2) both made it plainly clear that Adam was the first
man. Not so, says evolution. Evolution theory says that Homo
erectus or Homo habilis or Australopithecus afarensis
or . . . was the first man. Which will the theistic evolutionist
accept as correct – the Bible or evolution theory? Both cannot be
correct, since they teach exactly opposite concepts.
3. Theistic evolution is wrong because
it cannot explain Eve. The problem of Eve has haunted theistic
evolutionists since the very inception of their false theory. The
Bible makes it abundantly clear that God put Adam to sleep and took from
his side material from which he made woman (Genesis 2:21-23). Eve
is even named by Paul in 1 Timothy 2:13 as being a real, historical character.
Yet evolution says that the sexes evolved, and that simultaneously,
in the same geographical region, with one being male and one being female,
and both being fertile and producing fertile offspring. To the most
casual reader it is plain that there is nothing similar in the two events.
How will theistic evolutionists explain this “problem of Eve”? In
reality, there is only one way to “explain” the “problem of Eve” – make
the first eleven chapters of Genesis mythological or allegorical, anything
but literal and historical. There is no other way to avoid the problem.
Yet this at the same time has far-reaching consequences. For example,
Abraham, father of the Hebrew race, is first mentioned in chapter 11 of
Genesis. Was Abraham mythical? And what about the flood of
Noah in Genesis 6-8? Was it mythical? (Remember that even Christ
himself referred to the flood, Matthew 24:37-39.) Peter obviously
didn’t think the flood was mythical. He referred to it in both 1
Peter 3 and 2 Peter 3 as being a real, historical event. Was the
tower of Babel figurative and allegorical? If so, whence then, the
origin of languages? Furthermore, Paul mentions Adam in 1 Corinthians
15:45 in comparison to the “last Adam” (Christ). If the first Adam
was mythical, was the last? You see, any attempt to “explain away”
the “problem of Eve” simply leads to more serious problems. Theistic
evolution cannot explain Eve!
4. Theistic evolution is wrong because it cannot
explain where man acquired his soul. “To be consistent evolutionists,
theistic evolutionists must maintain that the image of God, in man, evolved.
If they call on God and a miracle to get the image of God in man, why so
hesitant to call on God and a miracle for the giving of the life of the
body to a physical body formed of the dust of the earth? Their nontheistic
colleagues will not find the creation of the image of God in man any more
acceptable than the creation of the body of man. What do theistic
evolutionists affirm of the origin of the image of God?” (Bales, J.D. op.
cit., p. 53.) This problem has, of course, bothered theistic
evolutionists for centuries. The Bible plainly states that God created
man (not an ape or ape-like creature) in the image of God, and then gave
that man a soul. Did that soul evolve along with all the other parts
of man? How will the theistic evolutionist get a soul into
man? In attempts to deal with this serious problem, the false concepts
of “progressive creation” and “threshold evolution” were invented, yet
without success, to show that God “intervened” in the evolutionary process
to “place” a soul in man. But as always, error is its own worst enemy.
Evolutionary processes are based on uniformitarianism (which states that
the present is the key to the past; processes now going on have always
gone on, and at standard, uniform rates). But the minute you let
God “stick his hand” into the alleged evolutionary process, you have destroyed
once and for all uniformitarianism. One thing that theistic evolutionists
have failed to comprehend is that supernatural (God) and uniformitarian
(evolution) events are not compatible; they are instead mutually exclusive.
In the case of man’s soul, it is impossible to have both evolution
and God’s intervention!
5. Theistic evolution is wrong because it logically
denies the fall of man (Genesis 3). The Bible makes it abundantly
clear that man started on the earth in a covenant relationship with God
(Genesis 1-2). Genesis 3 then tells of the breaking, by man, of the
covenant, and his need for a coming Redeemer to bring him back into the
covenant relationship with the Creator. Evolution says that man did
not start at the top and fall to the bottom, but instead started at the
bottom as some primordial slime, and has through the eons of geological
time “risen.” As Dr. Curtly Mather of Harvard once put it:
“When a theologian accepts evolution as the process used by the creator,
he must be willing to go all the way with it. Not only is it an orderly
process, it is a continuing one. Nothing was finished on any seventh
day; the process of creation is still going on. The golden age for
man – if any – is in the future, not in the past. . . . Moreover the creative
process of evolution is not to be interrupted by a supernatural intervention.
. . . the spiritual aspects of the life of man are just as surely a product
of the processes called evolution as are his brain and nervous system”
(IN: Science Ponders Religion. Harlow Shaple, Editor. Appleton-Century-Croft,
Inc. New York. 1960. pp. 37-38). The Bible says the “golden age”
of man was in the past, when man was at the apex of his relationship with
God. The evolutionary system of thought says the opposite.
How can both be true?
6. Theistic evolution is wrong because the Bible
teaches catastophism; evolution teaches uniformitarianism. Over
and over again the Bible speaks to us of catastrophic events (the flood
of Genesis 6-8; the plagues of Egypt in Exodus 7ff; etc.). The miraculous
is an intrinsic part of the Bible. On the other hand, evolution requires
uniformitarianism with its trite phrase, “the present is the key to the
past” as its watchword. Evolution states emphatically that all things
are going on today just like they always have, and always will. The
Bible plainly denies this. The resurrection of Christ is enough to
send evolution to its grave once and for all!
7. Theistic evolution is wrong because the Bible
states that the heavens, the earth, the sea and all that in them is were
created in six days. Evolution theory, of course, says that evolution
took place over billions of years. Exodus 20:11; 31:17 and Genesis
1 state the opposite. The creation, we are told through inspiration,
occurred in a six-day period. The Bible (Genesis 1:5, et al) even
states that each of these days was a period of “evening and morning” so
that there would be no doubt as to the length of each of the creation days.
Either the universe was created in six days, or it “evolved”
over billions of years, but of one thing we may be certain: both
concepts cannot be true!
8. Theistic evolution is wrong because it makes
a liar out of Jesus the Savior, and his inspired writers. Jesus
stated in Mark 10:6 (cf., Matthew 19:4): “But from the beginning
of the creation male and female made he them.” Jesus affirmed that
Adam and Eve had been on earth “from the beginning of creation.”
Paul affirmed in Romans 1:20-21 that the things God had made were being
“perceived” even “since the creation of the world.” Who, Paul, was
there to “perceive” these things “since the creation of the world”?
Moses told us. Paul told us. Adam and Eve were their names.
Jesus affirmed their status here on the earth “from the beginning of creation.”
Now if the evolutionists are correct and man has been here on the earth
some 4 million years or so, it doesn’t take very much intelligence to figure
out that 4 million years out of an alleged earth history of 4.5 billion
years is not, by any stretch of the imagination, “from the beginning.”
Rather, it is instead “from an end.” The choice is this: Either
Jesus Christ lied and the evolutionists are correct, or Jesus told the
truth and evolution is wrong. To accept any part of evolution makes
Jesus Christ and his inspired writers liars!
What is it about this ugly, degrading, anti-biblical system
that makes it appealing to so many? It is nothing but a serious compromise
which turns inspired writers into liars and charlatans. God said
he did it; he said he did it using fiat, instantaneous creation; he said
he made man and woman in his image, after his likeness. He did not
say that he created an ape-like creature through a slow, evolving process.
Question: What is wrong with the way God said God did it?
Or isn’t his word on the matter good enough for us anymore?