Vol. 1, No. 10 | Page 9 | October 1999 |
Absolutes Are Still NecessaryBy Eddie CooperAfter purchasing a computer several years ago, I soon found out that “absolutes” are necessary. In my reading, I found out that a computer is really very simple. (Some may question that!) Numbers, words, sounds and pictures can all be represented by codes, conventionally expressed as strings of zeroes and ones. Computers are machines which carry out operations on such codes according to rules with which they are supplied. Moreover, they do this quickly. Information of all kinds, and in vast quantities, can be processed and communicated almost instantaneously. But, woe to the person who tries to ignore the codes or breaks the rules. CRASH!!!! Whether we like it or not, there are always absolutes that we have to deal with in life. For instance, working mathematical problems means there are some absolutes. All school children know that 2 + 2 = 4. That is an absolute. Men may try to manipulate all they want, but the answer is still the same regardless of what men may say the answer is. In order to drive an automobile, there are some absolutes. Before driving off in a car, one must absolutely have the keys (unless he is able to “hot wire” one), turn on the ignition and then he can drive off. When it comes to the matter of salvation, there are some absolutes. One must have FAITH (Romans 10:17) and this faith comes by hearing the Word of God. He then must be willing to REPENT of his sins (Acts 3:19), CONFESS his faith in Christ as God's Son (Romans 10:9-10) and be BAPTIZED for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). Why is it that sometimes we are willing to recognize the absolutes and at other times, we dismiss them as unimportant? Will you do what you know is right, NOW? The Heart of the New TestamentAuthor Unknown
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