Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 1, No. 9 Page 18 September 1999

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

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Selected News & Events

New Journal Starting In 2000: The Gospel Journal is scheduled to begin circulation in January 2000.  Dub McClish will serve as its Editor, while Tim Nichols will be the Associate Editor. The board of the non-profit corporation organized to produce the journal is composed of Curtis Cates, Michael Hatcher, Ken Ratcliff, Joseph Meador and Tommy Hicks.  The Gospel Journal will be a 36-page monthly publication and a single subscription will be $16.00.  For additional information, contact The Gospel Journal, Box 219, Cibolo, TX 78108-0219 or Email: ker8@juno.com or Tim Nichols at tnichols1@mindspring.com or visit the Pearl Street Web Page (https://www.pearlstreet.org/Journal/new.htm).

Truth For The World:  We are very pleased to announce that the church of Christ in Duluth, Georgia has assumed the oversight of Truth for the World! The Duluth church is overseen by three fine elders: Skip Andrews, Ernest Burnette, and Dennis Hatchett. It is located in Guinette County, one of the fastest growing counties in Georgia. It is near Atlanta, a major hub for airlines, postal services, and other facilities needed for our work. Duluth is also within reasonable driving distance of many of our supporting congregations.

The Duluth church is sound in the faith, growing, and very enthusiastic about Truth for the World. It is a mission-minded church already actively involved in several good works around the world. We believe it has the leadership, maturity, vision, and financial ability to grow with Truth for the World and lead it to its fullest potential as a tool to take the Gospel to the whole world.

The difficult task of transition has begun! It may take up to a year for the move to be completed. We will keep you informed of developments as they occur. For the immediate future, we will still be in our same location in Olive Branch, MS with the same Memphis postal address. Please pray for us as we make this move. Please pray also for the Duluth church and its elders. -- TFTW STAFF

For a monthly Update or to help financially, write Truth for the World, P.O. Box 751135, Memphis, TN 38175-1135 or visit them on the internet at www.tftw.org.

September 18, 1999: Bible Bowl, hosted by the Camden Avenue church of Christ, 2900 Camden Ave., Parkersburg, WV 26101.  For more information, call Brian Jones at (304) 428-0504.

October 17-21, 1999: 24th Annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship, "Then Cometh the End," hosted by the Getwell church of Christ, 1511 Getwell Road, Memphis, Tennessee 38111.  Call 1-901-743-0464.

October 25-29, 1999: West Virginia School of Preaching Lectureship, hosted by the Hillview Terrace church of Christ, Fourth Street & Willard Avenue, P.O. Box 785, Moundsville, West Virginia 26041.  Call Toll Free 1-888-418-4573 or email: emanuelbd@juno.com.

April 9-12, 2000: 19th Annual Southwest Bible Lectureship in Austin, TX hosted by the Southwest church of Christ, . The theme is "The Hub of the Bible - Remaining True to Acts 2". For more information contact Joseph D. Meador.

Copyright 1999, conditions of use
Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore, Editor
4325 Southeast Drive
Steubenville, Ohio 43953-3353
rushmore@gospelgazette.com https://www.gospelgazette.com/ webmaster@gospelgazette.com