God Vs. Egyptian Idolatry
By Mark McWhorter
God Against Hapi
People throughout time have
worshipped false gods. The Egyptians of the Old Testament were no different.
They had many gods that they believed ruled over many different parts of life.
You may have studied enough
of the Bible to remember that God’s people, the Israelites, had gone to Egypt
because of a great famine. Joseph was the Pharaoh’s (King of Egypt) first
assistant. Joseph had the authority of Pharaoh to make many decisions. The
Israelites were Joseph’s family.
But Joseph died and a
Pharaoh came to power that did not like the Israelites. He started treating the
Israelites very badly. Eventually after many years God sent Moses, an
Israelite, as a messenger to Pharaoh.
(You may have studied about the life of Moses.) Moses and his brother Aaron were to tell
Pharaoh to let the Israelites go back to their homeland.
Pharaoh refused to listen to
Moses. So God gave Moses and Aaron the power to perform some tremendous
miracles to convince Pharaoh that they represented the true God. The first
miracle was turning the Nile River water into blood. You can read about this in
Exodus Chapter Seven.
The Nile waters were blood
for seven days. The Egyptians had to dig holes just to try to find water to
drink. They normally drank water from the Nile. All of the fish died. The
Egyptians ate a lot of fresh water fish. (They thought eating salt-water fish
would make them spiritually impure.) So
they not only got thirsty they got hungry for fish during this week.
But there is more to this
story than bad water and dead fish. The Egyptians had a god of the Nile, named
Hapi. Hapi was pictured as holding a table on which are vases and flowers and
fruit. This was to show that Hapi was the source of all good gifts. The
Egyptians had a “Hymn of the Nile” which has the phrase, “Thou art the Lord of
the poor and the needy. If thou wert overthrown in the heavens the gods would
fall upon their faces and men would perish.”
This miracle did indeed
demonstrate the fall of Hapi. Hapi the Egyptian god of the Nile was powerless
before the One True God.
I hope this helps you better
understand how powerful the One True God is. Yet as powerful and great as he
is, he loves each of us. He has given us his Word, the Bible, so that we can
know what to do to please him.
God Against Hekt
The Egyptians were very
impressed with frogs. Each September, after the summer flooding by the Nile
River, frogs would become very numerous in the small bodies of water left from
the flooding. The Egyptians loved to hear the croaking of all of these frogs.
It meant that the gods had done their duty and given the Egyptians enough water
to make for a very fruitful next year.
The Egyptians believed the
frog was the symbol of the life-giving power goddess Hekt. She was the goddess
who oversaw the women, the midwives, who helped women have babies. She was
thought to blow the breath of life into the nostrils of the new babies. Her
husband, Khnum, was the god who made the bodies of babies on the potter’s wheel
from the dust of the ground.
Hekt was represented in
paintings as a woman with the head of a frog. She was so important that she is
pictured in one place as helping the god Anubis rebuild the body of Osiris
after the god Seth had killed him.
So when the True God gave
Moses and Aaron the power to bring forth frogs by the millions (Exodus 8:1-15),
he was showing his power over Hekt. There were so many frogs that they were
bringing destruction (Psalm 78:45) to the land. The frogs didn’t just stay in
the pools of water and the river. They jumped into the houses. They jumped in
the beds. The Egyptians could not even cook because the frogs were in their
ovens. No one could take a step without stepping on a frog.
Pharaoh asks Moses to pray
to Jehovah to take away the frogs the next day. This is important. Because
Pharaoh is already showing that he believes God is stronger than Hekt. Moses
prays to God and the next day the frogs all die. The people gather the dead
frogs into large piles. The whole land stinks from the dead frogs.
This was a further
demonstration by God to tell the Egyptians that Hekt had no power. Instead of
breathing life, the symbol of Hekt is dead and stinking up the land.
I want to obey the One True
God. And I know you do too. The only way to obey him is to study his word, the
Bible. Keep reading the Bible so that you can get the wisdom of God.
God Against Khepera
Pharaoh was still refusing
to let the Israelites leave Egypt. So God had Moses meet Pharaoh early one
morning. Moses told Pharaoh that God would bring flies upon all Egypt the next
day. The entire land of Egypt would be filled with flies, except where the
Israelites lived. The Israelites would be free of flies. This would show
Pharaoh that they were God’s people (Exodus 8:20-32).
The next day swarms of flies
came upon all the land of Egypt. The word for swarms can mean “all kinds of” or
“mixture.” In Psalm 78:45, we are told
that “divers sorts” came upon them. This means all kinds of flies and probably
includes the dog-fly which is common there. The dog-fly bites any exposed skin
and is painful. The bite usually swells and hurts. The horsefly would also be
included. It has a very painful bite. And it is very probable that the beetle
is included in the word used for “fly.” The ancient historian Josephus said
that they were included.
This plague was aimed at the
Egyptian god Khepera. Khepera was represented as a beetle headed human. He was
worshipped as the god of the resurrection (rising from the dead to go to
heaven). The plague was also against another part of the Egyptians’ religious
belief. They believed that flies were involved in the process of getting to
heaven. They wore ornaments of human-headed flies. These were supposed to help
them get to heaven. And their “Book of the Dead” gives honour to the bird fly
who was supposed to be able to bring a man to heaven. The flies would also make
the Egyptians impure for their religious services.
Pharaoh almost gives in to
this plague. He tells Moses that the Israelites may sacrifice in the land of
Egypt. Moses, of course, knows this is not possible. Pharaoh then tells him to
take them just out of the land. Moses tells him not to go back on his word. The
next day God takes the flies away but Pharaoh changes his mind and does not let
the Israelites leave.
God showed Pharaoh that he
is the One True God. Pharaoh at first admits this but as soon as the suffering
is gone he changes his mind. He will not admit that God is the One True God.
Many people today will do the same thing. While suffering they will go to God
and ask for relief. They may make promises to God about what they will do for him
when the suffering ends. But then they change their mind.
Do not change your mind.
Always do what God wants. Always admit that he is the One True God.
God Against Hathor and Ptah
Pharaoh had refused to let
the Israelites leave Egypt even though God had brought four plagues on Egypt.
God told Moses to tell Pharaoh that his hand was now going to be on the cattle,
the horses, the asses, the camels, the herds and the flocks of the Egyptians.
God would give them a murrain (some kind of disease). To show that it was God
who brought the murrain, it would happen the next day and none of the
Israelites animals would get the murrain (Exodus 9:1-7).
Just as God had said, all
the animals got this murrain. Many of the cattle died. The camels and horses
were used to carry heavy loads. With them being sick, the Egyptians would have
had to carry these loads themselves or just not take the loads where they needed
to go. The Egyptians sacrificed animals to their gods. They would not be able
to sacrifice these animals because they believed a diseased animal was impure.
In the days of Egyptian rule, many times wealth was partly estimated by how
many animals a person owned. The animals were used as money in transactions
many times. When the cattle died, the Egyptians lost a great deal of
Most importantly, this
plague showed God to be more powerful than some of the Egyptian gods. Hathor
was the goddess of love, beauty and joy. She was pictured as giving the pharaoh
divine milk to drink. And you guessed it, she was pictured as a cow. If the
cows died, Hathor was sick and in trouble of dying herself. The Egyptians
thought their beauty might fade away. And Pharaoh would lose his godly food.
Ptah, the chief god of
Memphis and considered the creator god, was symbolized by a live bull, known as
the Apis bull. This bull also was believed to be the symbol of the River Nile.
The Apis bull was cared for just as if he was a god. He was given special food,
bathed and brushed daily, and even wore special clothes. When one died, he was
mummified and buried just like a pharaoh. There is a tomb in Egypt with nothing
but the burial chambers of these Apis bulls. It is estimated that it cost as
much as $100,000 to bury one of these bulls. And when one died, the priests
would search the entire land to find a calf which met the requirements to be
the Apis bull.
With most of the cattle
being dead it would be very hard to find a replacement bull and very few baby
bulls would be born for several years until the Egyptians could get cattle from
other nations. It is possible that the Apis bull died in this plague (if he did
not, it is possible he died from the hail later). With no Apis bull, the
Egyptian god Ptah would seem to be very weak. He was supposed to be the creator
The One True God had shown
himself to be the True Creator and the only One man should look to for true
spiritual food. Yet pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt.
Make sure you are learning the
wisdom of the One True God.
God Against Typhon
Pharaoh was still not
convinced that he should let the Israelites leave Egypt. So God told Moses and
Aaron to take ashes from a furnace and throw them into the air. The ashes would
cover the entire land of Egypt and cause very bad sores to appear on all the
Egyptians and their animals. These sores would have infection in them and be
very painful.
Moses and Aaron did as they
were told. Moses took the ashes that he and Aaron picked up and threw them into
the air. Sure enough, the ashes were taken throughout the land of Egypt and
every Egyptian and every animal got the very painful and infected sores. The
priests hurt so bad they could not even stand before Moses. But Pharaoh was not
convinced to let the Israelites leave.
The Egyptians worshipped the
god Typhon. Red bulls and very rarely even humans were sacrificed and burned on
the grate of Typhon. The sacrifice was given the name Typhos. Then the ashes
from the burned sacrifice was taken by the priests and thrown into the air. The
Egyptians believed that if any of this ash fell on the skin of a living
Egyptian, the person was safe from any defilement (anything that would cause
the person to be physically ill and therefore spiritually unclean).
Moses and Aaron did not take
the ashes from the furnace of Typhon. The furnace which they took their ashes
from was one that the Israelites used to make the mud bricks for the buildings
of the Egyptians (the word in the Hebrew is the word for that type furnace).
God was showing the Egyptians and particularly Pharaoh that Typhon was
powerless. He was showing them that simple ashes from the slave furnaces could
be made to have more power by the One True God than ashes from their ‘holy’
The bad sores would again
make the Egyptian priests unclean for their religious practices. This was also
a way to show God’s power against their god of learning and medicine, Imhotep.
Imhotep had been a very wise man and architect many years before the time of
Moses. He was regarded very highly when alive and when he died the Egyptians
believed he became a god. Imhotep was unable to prevent illness to come upon
the Egyptians. Imhotep’s wisdom was nothing compared to God’s wisdom.
Make sure you are learning
the wisdom of the One True God. Get his wisdom. And remember that if you will
follow His teaching, he will cleanse you from any spiritual
God Against Nut
Pharaoh continued to deny
that God was the One True God. And he would not let the Israelites leave Egypt.
God now told Moses and Aaron to meet Pharaoh again. This time they were to tell
him that God would bring hail upon all the land of Egypt except for where the
Israelites lived. God also said that the next plagues would really strike at
the heart of Pharaoh. The next plagues would truly let him know that there is
One True God. God told Pharaoh that he only ruled and lived because God allowed
him to do so. God said that he could easily take Pharaoh’s life if he wanted to
do so (Exodus 9:13-35).
The next day Moses raised
his rod toward heaven and the hail began. The hail was accompanied by rain and
much lightening. Moses had warned Pharaoh that any person or animal left
outside would die. Some of the servants of Pharaoh now believed in God and
obeyed what Moses had said. They took all their animals inside with them so
that they would not die. But anyone
outside did die.
The Egyptians worshipped Nut
the sky goddess. She was sometimes represented as a woman without clothes
stretched across the skies. Her fingers touched one horizon and her toes
touched the other. At other times she was represented as a cow standing tall
above the sky. People are seen as looking up to her for care and protection
from the elements. This plague of hail demonstrated that Nut had no power
before the One True God. God controls the elements because he created them. The
gods Reshpu and Ketesh were also supposed to be involved with controlling the
elements and they were shown to be false.
The Egyptians believed that
Nut lived in trees. This plague destroyed many of the trees of the land of
Egypt (Psalm 78:47-48; 105:32-34). Nut’s home was destroyed. She had nowhere to
live. The gods Hathor and Sepes also lived in trees so they no longer had a
place to live. The sun god Ra was believed to appear each morning from between
two sycamore trees. The destroying of the trees would hinder Ra’s appearing as
the Egyptians thought it should be.
It is amazing how God used
the plagues to show the Egyptians that their belief in many gods was wrong. He
was showing them that they should believe in him and let the Israelites leave
the land of Egypt. God was also showing the Israelites that he was their God.
They were hesitant to believe Moses when he said God had sent him. Read the Bible. Learn that God is the One
True God. Learn how to obey Him.
God Against Isis and Seth
God sent a very hard hailstorm
upon the land of Egypt. It is interesting that in Exodus 9:24 the word
“grievous” used for the hail storm is the same word in the Hebrew translated
“hard” in reference to Pharaoh’s heart. This storm was the worst in the history
of the land of Egypt. Hail does fall in Egypt but is never bad. Rarely is any
damage done to crops. But this hailstorm was different. Anyone or anything
standing outside was killed. And all the trees were broken. And all the crops
were destroyed.
The Egyptians believed that
Isis and Seth took care of agricultural production. These two gods made sure
that the harvest was plentiful. God showed that he was more powerful than them
by destroying two very important crops-flax and barley.
Flax was used in the making
of linen. Linen was the material of choice for clothing for most Egyptians. And
the priests of Egypt were required to wear linen. They could not wear any other
material. Destroying the flax meant that the priests would not have the linen
necessary to make “holy” clothes for serving their gods. Also, hundreds of
yards of linen were used to wrap the mummies. Without the linen the body could
not be properly wrapped for burial. This may have been very serious later when
the Pharaoh’s first-born son dies and requires royal burial.
Barley was used in making
bread. It was particularly used by the poor for this purpose. And barley was
one of the main foods given to their animals. The hail not only took away most
animals that would be used for food, it took away the grain that the surviving
animals would eat. And it took away an important source of food for the people.
The gods Seth and Isis were shown to be weak and powerless before the One True
God. (It should be mentioned that the
Bible is very specific about the time of year which the plague of hail came.
The flax and barley were in the maturing phase. This would be late January or
early February. These were usually harvested in March. But the Bible says that
the wheat was not yet grown up. This happened in March and April. So the
Egyptians at this point still had the opportunity of having wheat for bread by
the grace of God.)
Also notice that God said He
had brought Pharaoh to his position so that God’s name would be known
throughout all the land. Pharaoh should have allowed the people to know that
God was to be worshipped. Instead,
Pharaoh continued the Egyptian myth that there was none like him in all the
land. He was the chosen of the gods and was to be looked upon as deity. God
told Pharaoh that the next three plagues, including the hail, would settle that
once and for all.
God truly is powerful. He
has all power. Do not try to ignore God like Pharaoh did. Learn about Him and
worship Him.
God Against Geb and Osiris
Moses and Aaron once again
come to Pharaoh to tell him to let the Israelites leave. They warn him that if
he does not let them go that God will bring locusts into Egypt. This will be
the worst locust invasion since Egypt had come into existence (Exodus 10:1-20).
Pharaoh’s servants beg him
to allow the Israelites to leave. They now believe in the True God. Pharaoh
still refuses. So Moses stretches out his hand holding his rod and a strong
east wind begins to blow. It will blow for almost a full day and night. The
next morning the locusts come.
Locusts can only fly for
very long if there is a wind. These locusts must have come from a long distance
for it to have taken 24 hours for them to get to Egypt. (It has been shown that
locusts can travel up to 15 miles per hour with a strong wind.) This alone
demonstrated to the Egyptians that God was over the world, not just over Egypt.
The locusts eat everything
that was left by the hail. They eat every green plant. They eat all the fruit off
the trees. And they eat the leaves and bark of the trees (locusts have been
known to even eat the wood). There are so many locusts that the ground cannot
even be seen. The locusts completely cover the ground over all Egypt, except
where the Israelites are.
Geb was the god of the
earth. He is shown as a man with green skin representing the colors of life,
the soil and plants. He many times had leaves on his skin. This plague of
locusts had just eaten Geb. Geb had no more leaves. Geb instead of being
bountiful with plant growth was completely without power. He had no plants of
plenty to give to Egypt.
Osiris was a god of the
earth and plants. He also was pictured as having green skin. He was considered
as helping oversee the plant life. Osiris was also supposedly the god who
brought civilization to Egypt. He taught them the art of agriculture. He also
taught them how to worship all of the gods. Osiris was helpless before the One
True God.
Another god hurt by the
locusts was Min. Min was responsible for the growth forces of nature. One of
the symbols associated with him was lettuce. At the harvest festivals, Pharaoh
would go out in the fields and hoe under Min’s watchful eye. The locusts left nothing
to harvest. There would be no harvest festival this year. Min had been shown to
have no power.
Pharaoh called for Moses and
Aaron. He states that he has sinned and asks them to ask God to remove the
locusts. Moses does this and God causes a strong wind from the west to blow
them into the Red Sea and kills all of them. Not one locust was left alive. But
Pharaoh will not let the Israelites leave.
God is in control of all
things. I want to obey the God who is all-powerful and all wise. I know that
you want to do the same.
God Against Ra
God now tells Moses to
stretch his hand toward heaven. This would bring a great darkness on the land
of Egypt. This darkness would even be felt. The word “felt” means “to grope.”
This could mean two different things about this plague.
It could mean that the
darkness was so intense that a person would have to feel his way around his
house. Have you ever been in a room when the light went out? You could not see
anything and would have to feel your way along the wall or the floor to move
around the room. There was no light of any kind to help see. It is possible
this is what the Egyptians were dealing with. They did not leave their homes
for three days due to the thick darkness (Exodus 10:21-29). There was no light
from the sun or the moon or the stars.
The other possible
explanation of this groping or feeling is that this darkness was from a very,
very bad sandstorm. Khamsin, Winds of the Desert, is not unusual in Egypt.
These can come up suddenly and may last for up to three days. But Khamsin does
not cover the entire country and they never block out all of the light. With the khamsin, sand is blown into
everything, including homes. People have to stay in the inner parts of the
house to get away from the sand. If God
did use a khamsin, it was the worst that the world has ever known. It could be
felt and it completely blocked out any light from the sun, moon and stars.
Whatever caused the
blackness, Pharaoh knew it was from the One True God. God had demonstrated that
he was more powerful than the sun god, Ra. Ra was the father of the gods. He
made growth possible on the earth. He lived in a great heavenly boat that made
a daily voyage across the sky. Ra could not show himself for three whole days.
Several other gods were also
shown to be powerless before God. Khepera was the god of the rising sun. He
rolled the sun along the sky. He could not perform his task in the complete
darkness from God. Aten was the actual sun. He was depicted as a circle with
his rays reaching down to earth. He was the nurturing spirit of the world. But
he could do no nurturing and he could not send his rays of light and warmth.
Aker was believed to guard the gates of the dawn. He kept the gates free and
open so that the sun could rise each morning. He was pictured as two lions
sitting back to back with the sun sitting in the sky between them. The
Egyptians would place these lions at their doors to guard their homes, tombs
and palaces from evil spirits. They called these statues “sphinxes.”
The Egyptian gods had once
again been shown to be false gods. God was the ruler of all things. Pharaoh
tries to get Moses to leave Egypt but to leave the animals in Egypt. Moses
could not do this because he needed animals to sacrifice to God. Pharaoh still
was not ready to let the Israelites leave. So he gets mad at Moses and tells
him to leave his court. He never wants to see his face again. Moses tells him
that he is correct. He will never see him again.
Do not be like Pharaoh. Do
not send a teacher of the Bible away. Do not deny that God exists. Study the
Bible. Learn about the One True God.
God Against Pharaoh
God had been patient with
Pharaoh. He had given him nine chances to change his mind. But Pharaoh refused
to listen or obey what God wanted. God told Moses how to prepare for the next
plague. He told Moses that after this tenth plague that Pharaoh would not only
ask them to leave, but would throw them out of Egypt completely.
God said that at midnight
all the firstborn in the land of Egypt would die. All of the firstborn animals
and all of the firstborn people would die. God gave instructions to Moses to
tell the Israelites how to keep this from happening to them. But Moses did not
tell the Egyptians what to do.
At midnight all of the
firstborn in Egypt who were not protected died. All of the firstborn animals
died. All of the firstborn to the very poor in Egypt died. And all of the
firstborn in the royal household died, including Pharaoh’s (Exodus 11:1-12:36).
All the homes of Egypt had great sorrow because of all of the dead. There was a
great cry that could be heard throughout the land of Egypt.
This plague of death was
God’s final show that he was more powerful than any Egyptian god. Aker, the
protector from evil spirits, with his statues at the door of homes and palaces
could not keep God out of the homes.
Ra was seen as having part
in the creation of man. The Egyptians called themselves “the cattle of Ra.” God
had shown that Ra could not protect them. And if they wanted to be called
cattle, they could die just like the cattle in the field. On this night, God
made no difference between the animals and the people.
And this was a major blow to
Pharaoh himself. The Pharaoh was thought to be a physical representation of the
sun god Ra. The firstborn son was to take his father’s place as the gods’
representative to the Egyptians. But Pharaoh’s son was not special. He died
just like the cows in the field.
Pharaoh’s standing in the
eyes of the Egyptian people would have been severely shaken. If you remember,
Pharaoh’s slaves had already begun to believe that Moses represented a more
powerful God. And they were questioning and begging Pharaoh to let the Israelites
leave. Ma’at was the goddess of the physical and moral law of Egypt. She was
pictured as sitting or standing with a scepter in one hand and an ostrich
feather in her hair. The Egyptians believed that if Pharaoh ever failed to live
by and maintain ma’at (or proper balance in judgment according to moral laws),
that chaos would return to Egypt and the world would be destroyed.
It would seem that the
Egyptians did believe that all was coming to an end. In Exodus 12:33, the
Egyptians are trying to hurry the Israelites out of Egypt because “we all be
dead men.” They thought if they could get Israel out of Egypt that their world
might turn back to normal. Egypt was indeed in chaos. The crops were gone. The
animals were mostly dead. Their firstborn were now dead. It is very likely the
Egyptian people blamed Pharaoh for not listening to Moses and Aaron, the
spokesmen for the One True God. They probably did not recognize God as God.
They probably thought that he was connected with Ma’at. This would explain why
in Exodus 14:4, God said He would kill Pharaoh and his army to prove to the
Egyptians that He was the Lord.