Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 2, No. 2 Page 4 February 2000

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Up From Down?

By David P. Everson

How does a plant tell up from down? Since it must send its roots down and its shoots up in order to get the essential materials needed for survival, a plant must know how to do it right the first time. There is no second chance. God's plan for plants is unique.

The normally accepted theory holds that starch grains formed in plant cells to store energy, tell up from down by falling to the bottom of the cell. This does not answer the question because some plants do not have starch grains! So how do these plants tell the difference?

New research has shown that there may be another explanation for the mechanism God has given plants. It appears that the cell contents (cytoplasm) as it weighs down on protein tethers attached to the cell wall may play a part. These tethers are responsible for opening and closing channels that allow calcium ions to enter and leave. The calcium in turn affects how the plant cells grow. But here the idea breaks down, there are still many unanswered questions about how this complex relationship affects the individual root and stem cells.

The smallest details about God's creation marvel and fascinate students of science. Explaining how these mechanisms came into being without an intelligence is impossible. Indeed the "firmament showeth his handiwork."

". . . the simplest explanation we have."

By David P. Everson

The year 1992 was a very important one for astronomers who support the "Big Bang" theory as the explanation for how everything came to be in the universe. Recently a local newspaper ran an article from the Associate Press in Phoenix, Arizona that I'm sure was carried by thousands of other newspapers around the country. The title of that article was "New Information Found Supporting the Big Bang." In the article John C. Mather, a NASA astronomer interpreting data collected from an instrument on the COBE satellite called the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotomer, said, "The Big Bang is still a winner."

The atheistic Big Bang theory was first put forth in 1929 by astronomer Edwin Hubble after he observed that all galaxies were moving away from each other at a constant rate, as if an explosion had occurred. One of many problems that remain in this theory is where the material came from that supposedly exploded.

Mr. Mather is quoted later in the article as saying, "The Big Bang is still the simplest explanation we have." It may be the most accepted explanation we have, if we assume that we have to be able to explain everything in terms of human wisdom, but is it the simplest? Does this data have any other interpretations? Yes, it does! Does it prove there is no God who created in the beginning? Certainly it does not!! The Big Bang is not the simplest explanation we have-- "In the beginning God created . . ." is!

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Louis Rushmore, Editor
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