Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 2, No. 6 Page 18 June 2000

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

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Upcoming Events

August 13-17, 2000: Power Lectures, theme: "The Parables of Jesus Christ," hosted by the Southaven Church of Christ, 1483 Brookhaven Drive, Southaven, MS 38671. Contact B.J. Clarke for more information at (662) 393-2690 or southavencoc@vantek.net.

August 27-30, 2000: Second Annual North Central Ohio Bible Lectureship, theme: "God Is The Fountain," hosted by the Church of Christ, 5075 Toledo Road, Lorain, OH 44055. Contact Bob Eddy for more information at (440) 233-5489.

September 17-20, 2000:  The first West Virginia Christian Lectureship will be hosted by the Mannington (WV) church of Christ.  Look for more details to be forthcoming.

October 30 - November 2, 2000:  Make plans to attend the upcoming West Virginia School of Preaching lectureship this fall.  The program is hosted by the Hillview Terrace church of Christ in Moundsville, WV.  Stay tuned for more info.  Call toll free at (888) 418-4573.

November 10-12, 2000: The eighth annual Truth for the World Mission Forum will be hosted by the Duluth church of Christ, 3239 Highway 120 in Duluth, Georgia. Speakers include: Perry Cotham, Cy Stafford, Charlie DiPalma, Roger Campbell, Rod Rutherford, Skip Andrews and Gary Young. Write TRUTH FOR THE WORLD, P.O. Box 5048, Duluth, GA 30096-0065 or call (770) 622-1525 or email tftw@tftw.org.

News Items

Christians Lose Homes in New Mexico Fire: (May 16, 2000, LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO)–At least eight families from the churches of Christ in Los Alamos, New Mexico, have lost their homes and virtually all their worldly possessions as a result of the devastating forest fires that have destroyed more than 40,000 acres in Northern New Mexico since May 10th.  At that time, the National Park Service initiated a prescribed burn in the Bandelier National Park which quickly raged out of control due to high winds and extremely dry conditions. Two hundred and thirty-nine housing units have been reduced to ashes.  Because many of these were multi-family structures, estimates are that 405 families have been burned out.

Parts of Los Alamos are still under evacuation orders, but the most recent information is that the fires destroyed the homes of eight families from the two Los Alamos congregations.  The victims include an elder and his wife, the elderly parents of two members, a college-aged member, three young couples and their children, and the son of one of the congregation’s ministers of more than 20 years.  Some of these people escaped the fast-moving fire with only the clothes on their backs.  Many residents will be returning to homes that have been heavily damaged by smoke or scorched but left standing.

While New Mexico and Texas churches have been quick to respond with generous donations of food for fire victims, the greatest need remains for temporary housing and emergency funds to meet immediate living expenses.  Insurance and government assistance simply will not cover all of the near-term expenses or replacement costs the fire victims are facing.

Contributions are being sought to help those displaced by the fire. Contributions may be sent to: The Los Alamos Church of Christ, 2323 Diamond Drive, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 and marked “fire relief fund.” For further information or questions, please contact Bill McKerley, an elder at the Los Alamos Church of Christ.  Telephone: 505-672-1067, or E-mail: JMcK1130@aol.com.

Gospel on Zambia Television: About four years ago, the Truth for the World television program began spreading the Gospel on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation. The response was almost immediate and is continuous. When we negotiated a new contract last year, we changed our time slot from Sunday morning to Sunday evening in their prime time. This was done at the request of many of the Christians in Zambia who could not watch the program because on Sunday mornings they were assembling with the saints to worship. An added benefit to the new time slot is that during the soccer season, Truth for the World follows the national soccer broadcast. This is like following the weekly NFL broadcast here in America. Another advantage we have in broadcasting in Zambia is the strong network of sound, mature brethren we can call on to visit, teach, and baptize those who hear the truth on television. Ed and Lina Crookshank of the Truth for the World staff served as missionaries in Zambia for 16 years. Rod and Brenda Rutherford served in Zambia for 7 years. The ties they made then and have continued since through yearly campaigns make it possible for us to be sure that sound brethren will do the follow-up. All of these factors together make Zambia one of the best opportunities for winning souls to Christ of anywhere in the world! On June 26, 2000, Ed, Rod, and Dave Amos will be going back to Zambia for a month long campaign. During their stay in Zambia they will need to negotiate a new contract for the upcoming broadcast year. If possible, we need to have the money for the next year in hand before they go. To continue preaching the Gospel on ZNBC next year will cost approximately $1800 per month. While this is a considerable sum, it is very low compared to the cost of television time in America. This is $1800 per month to reach a potential audience of 5,600,000. This works out to less than $.03 per person per month. In concrete terms, this means we can reach 300 people for less than $.03 per month! We presently have $370 per month coming in for the Zambia TV program. We are hoping this will continue next year. If it does, we will require an additional $1430 per month to keep the program on. We need twelve individuals or churches to step forward financially and pay for at least one month of programming. While many may not be able to pay for the entire year’s cost of keeping the program on, most congregations and many individuals can pay for a single month. Brethren, I ask you to search your heart first, and then your bank account. Opportunities such as this are rare and far too valuable to let slip by. If you are willing to help, please send your check to Truth for the World, P.O. Box 5048, Duluth, GA 30096-0065. In the memo line, please write “ Zambia-TV.” Please allow me to thank each of you for prayerfully considering this need. As John prayed for Gaius, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). Paul Meacham, Jr.

Preacher Dying of Cancer Needs Help:  Steve Fishel and his wife Regina are in need of help financially.  Steve is a gospel preacher.  He has been working secular work (driving a truck) for about five years and preaching at a very small congregation (Macedonia) outside Sharon, Tennessee.  Steve was diagnosed with colon cancer about six weeks ago.  Following surgery he was told the cancer could not be removed and he had about six months to live.  Since that time another doctor gave him a little hope that with treatments he would have another one or two to live.  Steve has insurance to help with the cost of his treatments but he can no longer work his secular job, therefore the cost of his insurance has increased from $80 per month to $600 per month.  Regina continues to work at a Nursing Home and care for Steve.  Could you help?  The elders of the Gardner church of Christ have agreed to oversee any funds sent.  You can mail your contribution to Gardner church of Christ, c/o Reed Exum,114 Dodd, Martin, TN 38237.  Please remember this family in your prayers.  In His Service Larry Powers Gardner church of Christ

Update from Emily (Fishel) Grubb:  Dad went for his third chemotherapy treatment on Monday (5/22) and was unable to take it as his blood count was too low.  Yesterday (5/23), he had a blood transfusion.  From what the doctors said on Monday, the chemotherapy is killing him faster than the cancer.  Next week, he may opt to discontinue the chemotherapy.  If and when he does, he has 4-8 weeks left with us, maximum, because his liver will fail entirely.  He and Mom are making final arrangements and funeral plans at this point in time.  Please continue to remember Dad and the rest of us as we struggle through this difficult time.  John, please forward this on and thank you in advance.   Love, Emily, Andrew and Meghan

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Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore, Editor
4325 Southeast Drive
Steubenville, Ohio 43953-3353
rushmore@gospelgazette.com https://www.gospelgazette.com/ webmaster@gospelgazette.com