Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 2, No. 6 Page 4 June 2000

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Microevolution and Macroevolution

By David Everson

When we as Christians hear the term evolution, I hope there is real understanding about what the Bible and science teach to be true. There is usually a great deal of misunderstanding about what, if anything, a believer in the biblical account of the creation of the world can believe and support. I hope I can shed some light upon this subject.

Evolution itself means to unfold or to change. There is nothing in the word that is biblical or against the principles of God. There are many ways that things can evolve; relationships change, situations unfold and the changes a butterfly goes through from a caterpillar to an adult are all evolution. So, the idea of evolution is one that we do not have to oppose when used in these ways. But, the word evolution is also used to refer to the General Theory of Organic Evolution. This is the imagined changes that have occurred from a single celled organism, to plants, to animals and all the way to man. These changes are thought to have occurred over millions and millions of years in the earth’s past. This idea tries to explain the world and all life forms without the need for God. This idea is unscriptural, unscientific and unprovable. As Christians, we cannot support the use of the word in this way! If we are to be more precise in what we talk about and believe, we must learn to use two other words, microevolution and macroevolution. Let’s look at a little about each of these words.

Microevolution is described as the small changes that occur within a group or species of organisms. This would include the changes that have been produced with hybrid plants, varieties of fruits and different breeds of animals. These are “small (micro) changes (evolution)” that occur within the framework of the genetic makeup that God has given these organisms. This type of “evolution” is a scientifically provable fact. It does not oppose what God has told us about the creation of the world. In fact, it is just what we would predict would be seen because God told all living things to reproduce “after their kind.” Many times in science textbooks the Peppered Moth, drug resistant bacteria or Darwin’s Finches are shown as “proof” of the General Theory of Organic Evolution, when in fact they are only examples of microevolution. We need to understand this and point this out to those we talk with about this.

Macroevolution on the other hand is described as the large changes that occur between species or groups of organisms. It is the supposed change from a fish to a salamander, a salamander to a lizard, a lizard to a mammal and a mammal to a man. This is NOT a scientifically provable fact! This in theory is supposedly shown to have happened in the fossil record, but NO fossils of a “half-this, half-that” have ever been found. This idea is unscientific and unbiblical. This is the concept that is most often referred to when someone uses the word evolution.

We need to know the difference in the various types of words, how they are used and the processes that are involved with this topic. We should not condemn everything that is styled evolution, but be sure that we know what is being talked about and stand up for the truth revealed in God’s Word. Let’s not be like the children of Israel who were “destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:11).

The Human Body:
An Introduction

By David Everson

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7).

With these words and actions of God, we see the origin of man. As I look from time to time in these articles at the marvelous things that we see in the world around us that God has created, we many times over look ourselves.

Thousands of years ago before all of the recent medical discoveries, the psalmist penned these words.

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth” (Psalms 139:14-15).
What words would David have used if he was able to know what we know now? Well, I’m not sure that any other words could adequately describe the awe and reverence that we should show for God because of his creating us than “I will praise thee.” For indeed as we look at the human body in minute details possible today, we can see that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

The body does some truly amazing things just consider: In an average day your body will

  • exercise 7,000,000 brain cells
  • beat your heart 103,689 times
  • pump blood 68,000,000 miles
  • speak 48,000 words using 72 different muscles for each word
  • inhale 438 cubic feet of air
  • breathe 23,040 times
  • eat 3.25 pounds of food
  • drink 2.9 pounds of liquids
  • perspire 1.43 pints of water
  • produce 100 billion red blood cells
  • analyze and process billions of sensory signals
  • remove 45 gallons of liquid from the blood
  • reabsorb 43.5 gallons of liquid into the blood
  • lose 7.8 pounds of waste materials
During your lifetime you will
  • shed and replace 40 pounds of skin
  • walk 5 times around the equator of the earth
  • produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools
  • blink your eyes 6,205,000 times
  • shed over 30 feet of eyelashes
  • replace every atom making your body once each year you live
  • eat 15 tons of food
  • drink 12,000 gallons of water
  • pump 73 million gallons of blood
Or consider this
  • Your blood travels through 60,000 miles of blood vessels in tubes that allow only one way flow. The blood has seven types of cells that are necessary to keep you alive. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:1).
  • Just one square inch on the back of your hand – it will have nine feet of blood vessels, 600 pain sensors, 9000 nerve endings, 36 heat sensors and 75 pressure sensors and a total of 72 feet of nerve fibers.
  • Your 3 pound brain is 2.1 pounds of water, has about 100 billion cells each with up to 60,000 connections to other neurons for a total of 60 trillion connections that do not really touch but are separated by short spaces called synapses. Produces thousands of chemicals called neurotransmitters. It is 2% of the gray matter that uses 94% of the oxygen reaching the brain. Is bathed by a special fluid called cerebrospinal fluid, which is replaced every three hours. The brain produces electricity in the 5 to 50 millionth of a volt. It would take 60,000 humans to light a flashlight. Signals coming from over a million sense cells arrive at the rate of 2,000 per second.
Indeed, we are “fearfully and wonderfully made!” Let us truly “praise God” because of what he has done when he created our bodies.

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Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore, Editor
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Steubenville, Ohio 43953-3353
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