God Is Love Why. . .?
By Paul Hoover
God is love, why does war exist? If God
is love, why do innocent children die?
If God is love, why are there so many heartaches in life? Some people allow these questions to keep
them from obeying the Gospel of Christ.
Some Christians allow these questions to detract from their service to
the Lord. No doubt, some ask these
questions in sincerity. They are truly
searching for answers to these questions.
But, some that ask these questions act as if they have the right to sit
in judgement of God.
we seek answers to these questions, there are two passages of Scripture that we
must bear in mind. The first is Isaiah
“For my
thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the
earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your
are simply unable to fully understand God’s intricate design for the workings
of the universe. This, however, does
not mean that we cannot know some things concerning the subject of this
second passage of Scripture is Isaiah 59:1-2.
the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy,
that it cannot hear. But your
iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face
from you, so that he will not hear.”
honestly approach the questions of our concern, we must understand and never
forget the horrendous effect of sin.
Only with this understanding can we place blame where it truly belongs.
If God is love,
does war exist?
It is certainly the case that God commanded the
destruction of entire nations. Why would a God of love do that? What some people do not understand and
others refuse to believe is that even that destruction was a result of God’s
ultimate expression of God’s love was the sending of his beloved Son into the
world. “For God so loved the world,
that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not
perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
God made promises concerning his Son.
In Genesis 22:18, God made a promise to Abraham which concerned all of
mankind. “In your seed all the nations
of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.” God promised to send the Messiah through the
seed of Abraham and the love of God demanded that this great promise be kept.
nations would have destroyed the promise of God by destroying Abraham’s seed or
corrupting the chosen people of God with evil practices. If allowed, those actions would have negated
God’s promise concerning the Savior.
Had those nations been allowed to destroy Abraham’s seed, thereby
destroying the promise of God, the whole world would have suffered spiritual
death. No hope of eternal life would
have existed. So, God on occasion,
commanded that these nations be destroyed.
“Samuel also said to Saul, the Lord sent me to anoint you king over His
people, over Israel. Now therefore,
heed the voice of the words of the Lord.
Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘I will punish Amalek for what he did to
Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt. Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly
destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and
sheep, camel and donkey.’” The nation
of Amalek had ambushed God’s chosen people as they wandered in the
wilderness. However, there may be more
to it than that. In Acts 10:34-35,
“. . .
Peter opened his mouth and said: In truth I perceive that God shows no
partiality. But in every nation whoever
fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.”
character of God never changes. It has
always been the case that “in every nation whoever fears Him and works
righteousness is accepted by Him.”
While it is true that some nations were destroyed due to the wrath of
God, it is also true that God’s wrath could be turned aside by repentance. If the city of Nineveh (in Jonah’s day) was
given an opportunity to repent, and God shows no partiality, is it not
consistent with the nature of God that other nations would have been afforded
this same opportunity? The opportunity
for repentance may not have been extended on a national scale as it was in
Nineveh; however, every individual surely had the opportunity to repent. Though many did not respond positively, God
has always called sinners to repentance.
That nation was destroyed because of sin. It was destroyed for the sin that it committed in the past and
which it continued to practice. God did
not cause Amalek to sin or to remain in sin.
It was not a lack of love on God’s part that destroyed that nation;
rather it was their lack of love for God and for their fellow man which caused
their destruction.
does not start modern wars. We cannot
blame God for what mankind freely chooses to do. In fact, war would neither exist, nor would it ever have existed
if all of mankind was obedient to the will of God. There is one thing that every war has in common. At least one of the parties involved has not
followed the will of God. War does not
exist because of God. War exists in
spite of God. God is love. If mankind does not practice love, that is
not God’s fault.
If God is love,
do innocent children die?
God is love, why do innocent children die?
As we attempt to answer this question, we must first answer another
question. Why does anyone die? The answer to that question is painfully
simple. People die because of sin. God answered that question in Genesis
to Adam He said, Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten
from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, you shall not eat of it: cursed
is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your
life. Both thorns and thistles it shall
bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat
bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust
you are, and to dust you shall return.”
was humanity who, through sin, brought death into the world and it is humanity
who continues in sin by defying the Creator.
But, so great is the love of God that in spite of our sinful nature, “He
loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). So great is the love of God that “while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Death is a result of mankind’s sin, but the offer of eternal life
is a result of God’s love.
we look at the specific question, “If God is love why do innocent children
die?” we must recall the passage in Isaiah 55:8-9. God simply does not think like we think, nor are we able to
completely understand his divine ways.
We must, however, understand that God does not view physical death in
the same way that we often do. In spite
of our belief in eternal life, we wrestle with our view of death. Perhaps we yet perceive finality in death
that we should strive to overcome. As
we mature in faith, we should try to develop an eternal view.
the game of baseball, a base runner has one desire. His desire is to get home.
He knows that there are obstacles in his path. He knows that things can go wrong, but his focus is on getting
home. His teammates share his
desire. They want to see him get home
and they wish to get home as well. Life
is a lot more serious than baseball.
Yet, if we could think in terms of getting home and seeing others get
safely home, perhaps our view of physical death would alter in the light of
eternal life. When an innocent child
dies, he unquestionably goes home to spend eternity in the glorious presence of
God. (This would include the children
of Amalek who died at God’s direction.) Mankind brought death into the world,
but the innocent child goes to glory because of God’s love. Does this mean we should not mourn the loss
of a child? Of course not. It means that even in pain and while
shedding tears, we can see God’s love at work.
God’s love does not stop there.
Parents who have lost innocent children to physical death can be
reunited with their child forever in the presence of God, if they are obedient
to God’s will. They may lose some years
with their child here in this world, but can gain a greater relationship with
them, which will last forever in the presence of God.
If God is love, why
are there so many heartaches in life?
the heartaches that exist in the world are a result of sin. Your heart may ache because of sin, which
you have committed. Your heart may ache
because the sin of someone else has effected your life. In either case, the blame for heartache rests
squarely on the shoulders of humanity.
also exist because God tempers justice with mercy. If God operated on justice alone, man’s sin in Eden would have
been justification for the destruction of the world. The very first sin would have ended all hope of eternal
life. From Adam and Eve until this day,
mankind chooses to sin. Sin brings
heartache upon the world. But, God’s
love is evident in that he allows this sinful world to stand. “The Lord is not slack concerning His
promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing
that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter
3:9). God does not bring heartache upon
anyone. We, through disobedience, bring
heartache upon ourselves. Read the
words of the risen Savior as recorded in Revelation 3:19. “As many as I love, I rebuke and
chasten. Therefore be zealous and
repent.” To chasten means, “To instruct
through correction.” It is true that
the Lord, motivated by love, may chasten or punish us when we have gone
astray. However, we bring this
corrective action upon ourselves. As parents,
we understand that we do not chasten obedient children because it is not
necessary. We punish or chasten our
children only when they are disobedient.
We do this in order to teach them the necessity of doing the right
thing. Parental love demands that we
correct our children when they are disobedient. When we have given our children rules by which to live, and we
have instilled in them a set of principles and morals, and have set an example
by our conduct, and they choose not to obey, their rebellion is not our
fault. Because they have defied our
rules, we could expel them from our homes and wash our hands of them, never
allowing them to return under any circumstances. We could do that, but a loving parent would not do that. In love, we would discipline them. That discipline may mean that we must
administer a serious punishment. The
child, due to this punishment, may suffer, but he brought this punishment on
Christians succumb to sin, God could wash his hands of us. He could cast us out of his kingdom and
never allow us to return under any circumstances. But, because God is love, he allows his straying children to be
restored to him through repentance.
Because he desires our repentance, God chastens us. We may suffer because of God’s chastisement,
but this suffering and heartache is brought on by our disobedient actions.
is love; don’t try to second-guess him.
God is love; don’t try to judge him.
God is love; don’t doubt his motivation. God is love; obey him.