By Kevin Rhodes
Paul does so often, he closes the epistle to the Thessalonians with several
short admonitions that served as a partial summary, part of a conclusion and
part exhortation in order to help strengthen this young congregation at
Thessalonica. Perhaps the simplest of these is the precept, “Rejoice evermore”
(1 Thessalonians 5:16). Although it seems straightforward and uncomplicated on
the surface, this two-word verse should cause us to consider our whole attitude
toward life.
very fact that Paul had to command rejoicing should provoke us toward further
study. Why was it so important and necessary to tell people to be happy?
Obviously, the type of joy Paul had in mind had roots much deeper than external
happiness found in the general circumstances of life. These do indeed give us
reasons to rejoice, and may seem to occur quite naturally, but Paul’s approach
extends far beyond the intermittent enjoyment of life’s circumstances.
too often, we base how we feel and what we think upon the externals of life and
how well our worldly concerns are doing. Many times our happiness may depend on
whether or not we just got through paying the bills or we recently received a
paycheck. Or, perhaps we allow how other people treat us or mistreat us to
determine how we feel for that day (week, month, etc.). But the joy of which
Paul spoke was not so fickle. That is why God commanded it.
have more to rejoice about than any other people, but we often do not think
about these things. This is why we need to heed Paul’s admonition so
desperately today. It is important that we consider the blessings found in Christ
Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). Salvation, the hope of eternal life and being found in
God’s favor should never be assumed or taken lightly. We need to reflect on
these things daily, and what they should mean to our lives and us. Even in regard
to physical blessings, we should give thanks to the Giver of all that is good (James
1:17). But as long as we buy into the idea that happiness and joy are
commodities available through men and the world, we will grow more and more
like them instead of drawing nigh unto our God (James 4:8).
had just commended the Thessalonians for their decision to leave the world’s
thinking behind, for trusting in God and loving one another. He then encouraged
continuing this separation by the living of godly lives for the hope of being
raised from the dead to enjoy an eternity with Christ in heaven. In other
words, they had much to rejoice about, and so do we. But to experience this joy,
we must first dedicate ourselves to a daily consideration of things eternal, to
matters of virtue and praise (Philippians 4:8) and to our God and Savior who
made it all possible.
you get discouraged, depressed or down, listen to Paul’s inspired words and “rejoice
evermore.” Lift your thoughts above your troubles to the blessings provided by
a loving Father whose every action points toward making our eternal happiness