Which Saves,
Christ Or The Church?
By Basil Overton
Nothing should be more important to anyone than his salvation
from sin and living so he can be in heaven after he dies.
Christ Is The Saviour?
angel told Joseph in a dream that the woman he was to marry had conceived by
the Holy Ghost and that she would bring forth a son whose name would be Jesus,
and who would save his people from their sins (Luke 2:1-11). Jesus came to seek and to save that which was
lost (Luke 19:10).
other passages in the New Testament say that Jesus Christ is our Saviour. This
monumental truth is indeed “good tidings of great joy,” as the angel said to
the shepherds. When one realizes he is
lost in his sins and hears the good news that Jesus seeks him and wants him to
be saved, he should receive such good tidings with great joy! Surely all who believe the Bible will
readily and joyfully agree that Jesus Christ is the Saviour, and that he died
on the cross so all could be saved. Yes, indeed Jesus saves!
Where Does Jesus Save?
Bible plainly teaches that Jesus Christ is our Saviour. It just as plainly
tells us where he saves!
died on the cross that he might reconcile Jews and Gentiles, or all people,
unto God in one body by the cross (Ephesians 2:14–16). That one body is his church (Ephesians 1:22-23).
Therefore, reconciliation, or salvation from sin and getting back to God, takes
place in the church which is the body of Christ.
also said in Ephesians 2:16 that reconciliation or salvation by Jesus Christ in
the one body is by the cross!
This obviously means that Jesus made salvation or reconciliation
possible by dying on the cross. Therefore, when one says he does not want
church salvation but that he wants cross salvation, he expresses a gross misunderstanding
of the cross and the church. Verily, salvation by the cross is in the one body
which is the church of our Lord!
to the body that he had defined as being the church, Paul said, “There is one
body . . .” (Ephesians 4:4). Of this same one body he wrote, “For the husband
is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is
the saviour of the body” (Ephesians
5:23). This obviously means that Christ
is not only head of the church, he is also saviour of the church! This means if one is saved by Christ he has
to be in what he saves!
word church in the New Testament means the called out, or the saved. The
church we read about in the New Testament consisted of those who had been
called by the Gospel out of the world of sin into Christ, or into the one body
of Christ which is the church (2 Thessalonians 2:14).
calls sinners by the Gospel into one body (Colossians 3:15). Paul told those Christians in Colossae that the
one body is the Lord’s church (Colossians 1:18, 24). Therefore, salvation by Jesus Christ is in that church.
gave himself for his church (Ephesians 5:15). He purchased his church with his blood (Acts 20:28). This means that Jesus made salvation
available for all by shedding his blood. Those who accept the salvation he made
available are those who get into the church through putting their trust in
Christ by their obedience to him. In this sense, the Lord Jesus, the Saviour,
purchased the church with his blood.
Yes indeed, Jesus saves!
But, he saves in his church!
Those who accept the story of Jesus Christ and trust in him as their
Saviour are those who believe he is the Son of the living God, who repent of their
sins, confess their faith and are baptized into Christ for the remission of
their sins (Acts 2:36–41). They thus
get into the body, or the church, for which Jesus gave himself!