Doomsday Prophets
By D. Gene West
have heard doomsday predictions coming from the prophets of doom in the last
several months. These people claim to have special scientific knowledge of the
future, and claim to be able to predict the future to some extent. For example,
some “scientists” have come up with a rather fanciful theory that the dinosaur
population was wiped off the face of the earth by a tremendous asteroid that is
supposed to have struck the earth sixty or seventy billion years ago, and upon
that theory they further postulate that if it has been that long since an
asteroid of that magnitude struck the earth, then it must be about time for it
to happen again. We do have evidence of rather large objects from space
impacting the earth, but there is not one shred of evidence that the earth has
ever been struck by a heavenly body of the size of the one they claim killed
the dinosaurs.
plain truth of the matter is that no one knows what
happened to the dinosaurs, and no one knows that the earth has been here for
billions of years. As a matter of fact, what is called “the young earth theory”
(the theory that the earth is less than 15,000 years old) has much more
evidence to back it up than the theory that the earth has been here for
millions and billions of years. These people gather up bone fragments, and from
these they make an animal that may have or may not have looked as they suggest.
There are very few dinosaur skeletons found together and in tact so that we can
scientifically know that there were such animals on the earth.
from guesses based upon guesses, they postulate that the earth is ripe for
another pounding from the asteroids. They are even suggesting that the
government should spend hundreds of millions of dollars to prepare rockets with
nuclear warheads for the purpose of blasting these asteroids apart while they
are still in space, thus saving the earth from a certain collision with them. These
science-fiction tales, along with the greenhouse gases theory, may be good for
making movies, but they have little else to make them of value.
latest scare that the doomsday prophets are thrusting off on the people is that
by the year 2050 the earth will be desperately short of clean water to drink.
They seem not to know that great desalinization plants have already been built
that can clean up seawater by the millions of gallons per day. There may be
places on earth where fresh clean water will be very hard to come by in the
year 2050, but there are places where that is the case at this very moment.
Almost all of the third-world power countries have had extreme difficulties
getting fresh water for generations now. People have always lived in filth and
squalor, they do so now, and they will continue to do so. That may be difficult
for many of us to understand, but it is true nevertheless.
do these doomsday prophets predict such “stuff” to worry the people of the
world? Because they are unbelievers in God and in the Lord Jesus Christ. They
have accepted the warped theories of evolution and because of this they are
always coming up with some doomsday story for the finishing of the earth. If
they had come to believe the Bible and believe in the God of the Bible they
would not waste their time coming up with these ideas because they would know
that: 1) Evolution is false and all “science” based upon it is false. 2) The God
of our universe is a provident God, and nothing will happen to the earth, or
its people, until God brings every work of man into judgment. Those of us who
are Christians need not worry about whether the earth will be here tomorrow. If
it is not, then we will be in heaven, and if it is, we may, or may not be on
the earth.
still rules his universe, and the end of the world will not be by accident, but
by proclamation when, in the good pleasure of God he sees fit to bring all
human history to its conclusion. With a deep, firm, and abiding faith in God,
one can be amused at the rather ridiculous things that some men who call
themselves “scientists” today may say. They are not any better in predicting
the end of the world than the religious fanatics have been down through the
years. Jesus said, referring to his second coming and the judgment of mankind
that, “. . . of that day and hour no one knows, no, not even the angels of
heaven, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). Peter testified that the last day
will come as a thief in the night. There will be no evidence, either scientific
or religious, of when and how the earth will be burned up. Believe in God!
Accept his Word! Don’t let the doomsday prophets give you even one moment of