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 Vol. 2, No. 10                                        Page 9                                                October, 2000

The Sacred Page

The Church of the Dark Ages

By Dennis Gulledge

spinning parchment Keith Sisman is living in Huntingdon, Cambs England. He is writing a history of the Lord's church during the dark ages. Brother Sisman writes in the current issue of The Voice of Truth International:

From the various available records, the following summarization can be made of the state and beliefs of the Lord's people in Europe from the 1200s onwards:

They believed that baptism was by immersion for believers for the remission of sins, whereby entry is made into Christ's church (the only true church). They taught that children are innocent, rejecting the teaching of original sin and proclaiming free will. They rejected the use of special buildings, altars and other paraphernalia. They rejected the idea of the clergy, teaching that all believers were of the universal priesthood of believers.

Each congregation was autonomous and, wherever possible, had elders and deacons. The Lord's supper was taken each Sunday and was served as a memorial, not as an ordinance. They rejected the use of special holy days. They taught the triunity of the Godhead. These believers were spread throughout Europe, including Britain, and were also present in the east. They used their own vernacular versions of the Scriptures and were strongly evangelistic in promoting the true faith. They referred to themselves as Christians and members of the true church, in spite of the fact that other 'names' of identification were sometimes used by others in reference to them.

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