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 Vol. 3, No. 11 

Page 6

November, 2001

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By Mark McWhorter

Almost everyone would like to live for a long time. In fact, many people think they would like to live forever. Over the centuries of time, there have been stories and legends about things that could make one live forever. One famous story is about the Fountain of Youth. It was said that if a person drank the water from this fountain that he would live forever.

Today, people will spend lots of money to try to make themselves live longer. Companies spend millions of dollars every year trying to discover new drugs that will help us live longer.

Many science fiction stories and movies have characters in the story that have lived for very, very long times. There was one television series that had certain space creatures that supposedly had lived for millions of years.

But, there is someone who has lived for a very long time. In fact, this person has lived forever. This person was never born. He has always been alive. Time means nothing to this person. He will never die. He will never get old.

This person is God. One of the believed meanings of the name Jehovah is "the self existent one." It means existence. That means that God's name of Jehovah tells us that he exists and has always existed. There was neither beginning nor will there ever be an ending of him.

God tells Moses that no one before Moses had known this name of God (Exodus 6:3). This name was told to Moses because of Moses' relationship to God with the Mosaical law. Moses would bring God's people out of slavery and to the land of Canaan. Remember when God appeared to Moses in the burning bush? When Moses asked whom he was to tell the Israelites sent him, God said tell them I Am That I Am sent him. In other words, the one who had always existed sent him.

If we obey God, we can one day live with him in heaven. I want to live with the One who has always lived. I want to live with the One who will always live. I know you do too.


By Mark McWhorter

I can remember as a little boy playing make believe that I was a superhero with great and wonderful powers. I imagined that I was like comic book characters or television cartoon characters. I pretended that I could lift huge rocks. Or, I would play as if I could freeze a lake by blowing cold air. Sometimes I would make believe that I could overcome the laws of nature, like being able to fly.

You may have seen a cartoon or fictional movie about a person that was the most powerful person alive. This person could do things that any normal human would not be able to do. You may have dreamed about being such a person.

Someone is all-powerful. He is so powerful he created the earth and everything on it. He created all of the stars. He created the entire universe. He is all-powerful. There is no one who is more powerful.

Of course, you know I am referring to God. In Genesis 1:1, it says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The Hebrew word for 'God' is 'elohim.' This word means 'all powerful.' The very name that God uses for himself in the first verse of the Bible tells us that he is very, very powerful. And, he used this power to create you and me.

If we will study the Bible, and obey his words, then we can live with him in heaven some day. We will be able to see the Most Powerful One in person. And, he is using his power to prepare heaven for us. Heaven will be a very wonderful place.

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