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 Vol. 4, No. 12 

December, 2002

Youth Page

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The Seven Cows

By Mark McWhorter

Mark McWhorter In Genesis 41:1-37, you can read about the Pharaoh of Egypt having two dreams. In the first dream, seven fat cows come up out of the Nile River.

Then seven thin cows come up and eat the fat cows. None of the wise men of Egypt could interpret the dream. Eventually Pharaoh calls for Joseph and Joseph is able to interpret the dream.

The Egyptians worshipped a goddess named Hathor. They believed Hathor ruled the waters and made them rise or fall as she pleased. They compared the Nile to a cow because they said the Nile nourished with its waters just like the cow nourished with milk. Thus, they sometimes drew pictures of Hathor with a cow's head.

Their prayers to Hathor would often be addressed to "The Seven Great Hathors." She was supposed to sometimes turn herself into seven spirits who took the shape of seven beautiful cows. These cows had power to bring good or bad harvests.

So, when Pharaoh had the dream of seven fat cows coming up out of the river, his first thought would be of Hathor. However, he could not figure out who was represented by the seven thin cows. He also did not know what the thin cows eating the fat cows was supposed to mean. None of his wise men could figure this out either.

Joseph could interpret the dream because God gave him the knowledge to do so. And Joseph tells Pharaoh that it is God that is the one giving the answer. He also tells him that God is the one who gave him the dream.

I am glad that we have the Bible to tell us about the great things that God has done. Until next time, keep studying your Bible so that you can learn about our great God.Image

The Red Heifer

By Mark McWhorter

In Numbers 19:1-10, we read about the red heifer that was to be sacrificed by the high priest. The high priest was to take the live heifer out of the camp. Then, he was to kill it and sprinkle the blood toward the tabernacle. The red heifer had to be without blemish.

The entire heifer was then burned completely. The high priest returned to the tabernacle before this was done. It was another priest that did the burning. The ashes were kept so that they could be mixed with water. This water was used at certain times to purify the people.

We know from historical sources that this water was used at the east gate of the Temple during the time of Christ. Those who had certain sins could receive the sprinkling before going into the Temple. Sins which were worse caused the person to be outside the camp of Israel. These individuals could receive the sprinkling close to the place that the red heifer was sacrificed and where the ashes were kept.

The Jews believed that God used the red heifer to purify them from ritualistic sins. Before priests could work in the Temple, they had to be sprinkled with the red heifer water. The red heifer sacrifice was very important.

The red heifer is referred to in Hebrews 9:13-14. These verses tell us that Jesus' blood is greater than the blood of bulls and goats and the sprinkling of red heifer water. Most Bible scholars believe that the sacrifices were symbols of Christ. This would mean that Jesus is our red heifer. In Hebrews 13:12, we are told that Jesus was crucified outside of the gate (this is another way of saying outside of the camp). Only the red heifer was killed outside of the camp. Thus, Jesus was seen as the red heifer.

We must come to Jesus and let his blood purify us. The only way to come to Jesus is to study the Bible and learn how he wants us to come to him.Image

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