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 Vol. 5, No. 7 

July 2003


~ Page 8 ~

Practical Suggestions on Prayer

By Batsell Barrett Baxter

(Glad Tidings of Good Things, Jacksonville (AL) Church of Christ, Vol. 6, May 18, 2000, p. 1.)

" ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1).

Pray Immediately Upon Rising

In what better way can we begin the day than by thanking God for his protection and care during the night and by asking his guidance and help during the coming day.

Pray Before Every Meal

God has provided for our every need in such a bountiful manner. Surely, the least we can do is express our gratitude as we sit down to enjoy each meal! When we eat in restaurants, a few moments of silent prayer may serve for the audible prayer which we pray around our tables at home.

Pray at Set Times

The ancient Jews, and others, found it helpful to reserve certain periods of the day for prayer. We may find it helpful, too. Those regular times serve as reminders and help to keep the busy, on-rushing world from crowding out our periods of communion with God.

Pray With the Whole Family

There is something particularly wonderful about a prayer in which both children and parents have a part.

Pray When You Feel Discouraged

Most of us need little encouragement to pray when we feel discouraged or when we face some special problem. At such times, prayer comes unsought. It is a great comfort to know God listens to our prayers in times of crisis. One of the greatest privileges of the Christian is the privilege of leaning upon the Lord in times of difficulty.

Pray at Odd Times

Pray whenever you feel the desire. The real Christian will often find cause to pray -- while driving his car, while working at his desk, while waiting for a friend or while doing a host of other things. When the desire comes, pray. The prayer need not be long -- perhaps only a sentence or two. It does not need to be spoken aloud, for God can hear "silent" prayers, too.

Pray When You Are Happy

It is easy to pray in times of crisis, and equally easy to forget to pray when the affairs of life are going well. Most Christians need to thank God for their happy, prosperous lives far more than they do.Image

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