Vol. 5, No. 3 |
March 2003 |
Youth Page | ~ Page 6 ~ |
In the time of the New Testament, armies traveled mostly by walking. They would march for a couple of days and then stop and rest for a day. Then they would travel again for a couple of days before resting again. When stopping for any length of time, the soldiers would put up their tents.
The tents were held in place by wooden stakes in the ground tied to the tents with rope. These tents would be the soldier's home until it was time to start marching again.
When it was time to leave a place and march on, the soldiers would take the stakes up and pack the tents to march. This was called "breaking camp." The word used for this is found in Philippians 1:23.
"For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better." The word "depart" is the word for breaking camp. Paul was telling the Philippians that he had a desire to leave this world and go to heaven. He was giving a picture of taking up the stakes from the tent of this life and going on to the final destination.
Are you interested in living with God in heaven? We should all desire to live with God. The only way we can be sure of doing that is to obey his Word, the Bible. We need to study it every day so that we can learn what we need to do in this life. Only by following what he has told us to do will we be able to take up the stakes and travel to heaven. When we break camp of this life, we will either go to heaven or hell.
Keep reading the Bible. Learn all you can about God's will. And if any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.
In ancient times people did not have electric burglar alarms. They did not have motion detectors like are available in advanced countries today. They did not have the high technology to watch out for people that wanted to break into their cities or homes.
The people of a city would usually have individuals who would stand on the top of the walls of the city. Sometimes these were citizens of the city. Other times these were members of the military. These individuals were to watch for any enemy that came toward the city. They were to guard the city. They were to keep the city safe.
In Philippians 4:7, we read, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." The word for "keep" in the Greek is a word that comes from two other words which mean "to see" and "to look out." The word was sometimes used for the garrison of soldiers who guarded a city.
If we will always pray to God and obey God, then we will have the peace of mind that can only come from a relationship with God. If we have that peace, then nothing that happens to us will make us too unhappy. Nothing that happens to us will scare us too much. We will be happy and contented with our lives, no matter what is happening to us. Peace from God will be the garrison around our hearts and minds. Peace from God will guard and protect our hearts and minds.
Keep studying your Bible. Learn all that you can about what God wants you to do. And keep praying to God. Praise him, thank him, and ask for his help. Get the peace of God. And if any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.