Vol. 5, No. 11 |
November 2003 |
Since You Asked | ~ Page 18 ~ |
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Hi Mr. Rushmore, My name is Arika Clark. I am currently finishing my education degree from a fundamental Christian College. I am taking a Bible class, and I am doing a research paper on how there will be a literal and physical 1000 year reign of Christ. In my paper, I am including rebuttals from people who believe differently. I found your website online and read through your outline of how premillennialism is incorrect. Which view of millennialsim do you hold? I am a premillennialist, however, I do not believe half of the things you quoted about the Premillinnealists. I belive that Christ's death was on accident. He came to die for sinners so that we might be able to be cleansed before God so that we can approach Him in righteousness. He sancified us through His blood on Calvery. Christ reigns over the church and in my heart, therefore, He is not dethroned as you claim.
After reading through the above paragraph several times, I conclude that the querist must have made a typographical error (that dramatically changes the intent of the writer) and meant to say that "Christ's death was no accident." Obviously, our Lord's death was no accident, since it was the subject of prophecy (Isaiah 53; Matthew 16:21). It is further obvious from Scripture that souls are cleansed by the blood of Christ when they appropriate it to themselves in God's appointed way (Ephesians 1:7). From Acts Two forward, these saved, blood-cleansed souls are added to the church by Jesus himself (Acts 2:47). Jesus is the head of the church and the Savior of the body or church (Ephesians 5:23). Jesus accomplished everything for which he came to earth to do -- the redemption of lost souls (Luke 19:10). When Jesus returns again, it will be to take his church to heaven where he is (John 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
Unless the church and the kingdom are synonymous terms referring to the same divine institution (which they are, Matthew 16:18-19), much the same way "body" and "church" refer to the same divine institution (Colossians 1:18), the biblical scenario described in the above paragraph leaves no room for the establishment of a divine kingdom. It is interesting that the querist mixes metaphors by implying Jesus is reigning on his throne while he governs his church. A king reigns on a throne over a kingdom! King Jesus reigns now over his kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:24-28). Jesus is King now (Matthew 21:5; 27:11)!
Our Lord's kingdom is not physical and worldly as premillennialists suppose (John 18:36). Our Lord's kingdom is spiritual, as is the church or body (though it has a physical manifestation in as much as it is comprised of people -- actually their souls). The kingdom is not something earthy destined to be established on this planet at some time in the future and endure for 1,000 years. Anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ now reigns in his church is not far from the kingdom of God (Mark 12:34).
Dear Sirs, I have Some questions for you. We have installed Elder where I worship. The men who was put before the congregation was objected to by ten different men with scriptural objections. The men in a men's meeting decided to choose five men to review the objections. They decided that the objections would not prevent the me from serving. They did not interview any of the men making the objections. They called for a vote of the men and the men voted to install the men as Elders. I can not find scripture to support voting in Elders. Please give scriptural way to install Elders. Please respond. ~ Jimmy Harrison.
The New Testament lists the qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Besides what is intimated in the qualifications for elders, other passages indicate the duties of elders (Acts 20:28; Hebrews 13:17; 1 Peter 5:1-4). The New Testament also indicates that each fully organized congregation must have a plurality of elders -- at least two (Acts 14:23; Acts 15:2-6, 22-23; 16:4; 20:17; 21:18; 1 Timothy 5:17; James 5:14).
However, the New Testament does not specify precisely how the selection process for the installation of elders should occur. Apparently, qualifications, duties and plurality are paramount considerations for the selection of elders and Christian men who are obviously qualified and who are able to perform the duties ascribed in Scripture to elders. Clearly demonstrating the attributes that elders must possess, the formality of appointment or installation as elders such godly men ought to be relatively painless and the obligatory duty of a congregation.
Borrowing a biblical principle from the selection of congregational servants in Acts 6:3, a congregation, among which or over which men in a local congregation will labor, ought to select these men for themselves. The congregation ought to select its own minister, elders and deacons. However, Scripture does not specify how this selection process must occur. Therefore, the mechanics of how to select, for instance, elders is left to the discretion of a local congregation, as long as Scripture is respected regarding qualification, duties and plurality. Giving proper regard to qualifications, duties and plurality, a congregation is left to its own discretion on how to select elders (e.g., general consensus, voting, biblically disqualifying persons put forth for consideration, etc.). In matters of doctrine, man has no choice but to bow his will to God's expressed will. In matters not specified (e.g., the "go" of the Great Commission), man must not be contentious in areas where another's perspective is just as harmless respecting divine instruction.
I have a very important question about preachers. Is it right for a preacher to be divorced and remarry and still preach the word of God? And also if you have been divorced should you teach sunday school? Need answers please and where to look it up in the Bible. I know it tells about deacons in the Bible where they can only have one wife. Thanks Verdie Earhart
Anyone (whether a preacher, Sunday school teacher, deacon, elder or any other person) whose divorce and remarriage does not conform to God's instructions (Matthew 19:9, etc.) is not pleasing in God's eyes. However, anyone (whether a preacher, Sunday school teacher, deacon, elder or any other person) whose divorce and remarriage does conform to God's instructions (Matthew 19:9, etc.) is pleasing in God's eyes, respecting that divorce and remarriage. Whether a Christian who has been scripturally divorced and remarried may serve as a Gospel preacher or Bible class teacher (or elder, deacon, etc.) is not a matter of biblical doctrine, but a matter of personal discretion (opinion) by a local congregation with which that person is being considered to labor.