Vol. 6, No. 4 |
April 2004 |
~ Page 10 ~ |
God has revealed the information that mankind needs, recognized as objective Truth, "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue" (2 Peter 1:3). God has formed three institutions on the earth: (1) the home (Genesis 2:22-24); (2) civil government (Romans 13:1); and (3) the church (Ephesians 3:10-11). Each of these three institutions is to be guided by God's inspired Word. In submitting to his Will, each institution has opportunity to support the others. Yet, when one of these institutions goes astray from God's Will, the proper balance of righteousness is lost. If the church strays from the Truth, the home is not taught God's Will, and the government is abused (i.e., tax exempt status). If the home strays from the Truth, the purity of the bride of Christ suffers, and the government may be employed in dealing with illegalities. When the government enacts ordinances that are contrary to the plan of heaven, the home is divided through unscriptural divorces, and the church is ridiculed in society.
Our culture is facing such immoral waywardness, due to its straying away from God's Will. The home is being plagued with immorality with the practices of same-gender marriages and legalized unions. The church is being attacked for its stand on the Truth pertaining to the sin of homosexuality (i.e., Romans 1:26-27). The government is being called on to recognize the joining of two men or two women as being equivalent to the joining of one man and one woman, according to biblical principles. As all three institutions are of God, all three must be aligned with God's inspired Truth! The home must stand up for the godly pattern (Matthew 19:4-6). The church must preach the Truth of God's Word pertaining to marriage (2 Timothy 4:2). The government must align itself with the standards of righteousness in order for people to submit to it (Acts 5:29). The structure of the Federal system of government allows for the use of petitions to be submitted to governmental representatives in order to reveal the will of the people. The moral issues at hand go beyond political parties, beyond cultural trends and beyond majority rules, for the Bible is clear concerning God's judgments against the sin of homosexuality.
A petition has been drawn-up by faithful brethren in order to be downloaded, printed and signed by members of each congregation. It should then be mailed to the respective representatives in Washington, D.C. and Charleston, WV (or to the appropriate State Capital). It may be accessed online at www.gospelgazette.com/MarriageAmendment. For more information, contact belcoc444@yahoo.com or phone 304-823-1459. May God's people act and pray that the important voice, that of God, be heard. ~ P. O. Box 176, Belington, WV. 26250