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 Vol. 6, No. 8 

August 2004

Children's Activities

~ Page 7 ~

(Print puzzles. They are not interactive.)

Abraham Crossword Puzzle

By Bonnie Rushmore


1 What did Abraham ask Sarah to do?
2 Who was Abraham's wife?
5 What was Abraham's name before God changed it?
7 Name Abraham's first son.
9 How many men came to see Abraham to tell him that he would have a son at the appointed time.
10 To what city did Abraham chase the army?
11 God promised Abraham that his descendants would be numbered as the ___________.
12 Name one of the rivers that bordered the land God promised to Abraham.
13 When Sarah was old, she was very ________________.
16 Name the country to which Abraham traveled in Genesis 12.

1 What did Sarah do when she heard that she would have a son?
2 Abraham took 318 ______________________ to battle.
3 Name Lot's relationship to Abraham.
4 God told Abraham they were ___________.
6 Name the king of Salem.
7 Name Abraham's son of promise.
8 Name Sarah's handmaid.
11 What was Sarah's name before God changed it?
14 Where was Abraham home?
15 Who was taken prisoner at Sodom?


Abraham Word Search

By Bonnie Rushmore

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