Vol. 8, No. 8 |
August 2006 |
~ Page 18 ~ |
There can be no doubt that the church is the body of Christ according to the Bible. "He [God] put all things in subjection under his [Christ's] feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all" (Ephesians 1:22-23). Paul repeats it in Colossians 1:18, "And he [Christ] is the head of the body, the church." It is understood that Christ therefore makes the body full with his character, being and the direction of both him and God. It can be said that anything less causes a sickness in that body, and that anything more imposes unnecessary weight on that body.
The head rules the body. Look at yourself. Your head rules your body. Surely it is so. Thus with the church, the Head rules the body, or Christ as Head of the church, which is his body, is ruler over it.
But what of the local leaders of the church? As servants of Christ their leading echoes the directions of the Head of the church, Christ. They shepherd the church into the words and directions of Christ, keeping it in obedience to Christ, the Head of the church unto the glory and praise of God. When those leaders must make a hard decision, a ruling, it will echo and coincide with the words, directions and teachings of Christ. Those leaders are representatives of Christ, and high quality representatives will accurately reflect their leader, who is Christ in this case.
The church is the body of Christ, and being the Head of his body, Jesus Christ is ruler of it. And Christ would like for it to be pure and a reflection of his purity in God and his Word.