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 Vol. 8, No. 11 

November 2006

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Image Tis the Season

By Jay Launius

It's that time of year again, the "Holiday Season," and as we begin the usual activities of this time of year we should take a little time to reflect on just how this "season of giving" affects our Christian life. The world around us begins to seem like a friendlier place for some reason; various organizations have food drives, offer holiday meals to the needy and spend countless hours in front of department stores ringing bells while folks walk by, throwing a handful of change into a black pot. People spend literally billions of dollars on gifts for family and friends. Yes, it's time for the holidays!

But as the world shifts into the "giving spirit," life for the Christian should really see no significant change. What? You mean to say that we shouldn't participate in all of the holiday cheer? Not at all. We are so blessed to live in a free land where we can celebrate traditional holidays as we please and the Christian is also free to join into this festive season. But the Christian's life should be a shining example of the "giving spirit" all year long, not just for a couple of weeks or months. People in the world should be able to see the unselfish nature of the child of God at any time. Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). The key point here is that others should see the good things we do, therefore being attracted to our Heavenly Father. So, if you're in a habit of increasing your giving during the holidays, don't stop there. Just continue this special way of life into the New Year and beyond.Image

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