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Gospel Gazette Online

Vol. 11 No. 4 April 2009

Page 5

Wisdom's Corner

His Golden Girdle

Mark McWhorterThe High Priest had several specific items of clothing that he wore. One of these was a girdle. On the Day of Atonement, he wore a linen girdle. On other days, he wore a golden one. He only wore the girdle when he was active in ministering for the people. Once he was finished, he took the girdle off.

In Revelation 1:13 we read, “And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.” Jesus is pictured standing among the churches clothed in His golden girdle. Thus, He is pictured as ministering for the churches.

Jesus finished His work on earth when He was crucified and resurrected. However, in heaven, He is active as our High Priest. He is there representing us to the Father. Not only is He alive, He is working for us. He will never die. We will never need another High Priest.

Hebrews 10:21-23 tells us we should be inspired to hold fast our faith without wavering because of our Great High Priest. Then, the writer of Hebrews tells us that this should make us want to provoke each other to love and good works. The writer then tells us that because of our High Priest we should not want to miss worship services. We should always want to be there to worship our God. If we do not do this, then we really do not love Jesus.

I am glad we have such a High Priest. I am grateful God had a plan to save us. Keep reading your Bible. Learn all you can about our High Priest and what He wants you to know. If any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.

David's Psalm in 1 Chronicles 16

King David had just brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. David had built a special tabernacle in which to place the Ark. Burnt sacrifices were given. Peace offerings were given.

To celebrate the event, King David gave every man and woman a loaf of bread, a good piece of meat and some grape juice. He then appointed certain Levites to minister at the tabernacle.

After all of this, David gives a psalm to the Levites with which to thank God. This psalm is recorded in 1 Chronicles 16:8-36. It is interesting that throughout the psalm, David uses the name Jehovah for God. This is the name that God Himself gave as His name of the Covenant with Moses in Exodus Chapter Six.

In verses 16-18, David refers to the covenant that God made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In verse 16, David uses an interesting word for “made.” This word in the Hebrew means, “to cut.” Indeed, Abraham was given instructions for circumcision in Genesis Chapter Seventeen as a symbol of the covenant.

Verse Thirty-One is a very interesting verse. If you take the first letter of each word in the Hebrew, they spell Jehovah –another way for David to emphasize the importance of God’s covenant with Israel.

I am glad that we have a covenant with God. Our covenant is the New Testament. Just as David and the Israelites were so thankful for their covenant, we should be very thankful for our covenant. Just as they were to obey God under their covenant, we are to obey God under our covenant.

Study the Bible. Learn all you can from God’s Word. Then, obey it, and if any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.

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