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Vol. 11 No. 12 December 2009 |
Page 11 |
Dean Kelly
[We celebrate Christmas as a family and national holiday at our house, not as a religious holiday. We understand the Scriptures do not sanction the keeping of a religious holiday celebrating Jesus’ birth, but rather a weekly memorial of His death.]
I know what I am getting my wife for Christmas. (Sorry, I cannot tell you; she reads these, too!) It is really not much, just a little something. I wonder, if I could give her anything in the world, if there was no limit to my ability to give her whatever I wanted to, what would it be? What about my children and my grandson?
If I had unlimited funds and unlimited power to give anything I wanted to my family, what would I give? (These thoughts are probably in reverse order as far as importance is concerned).
1. I imagine I would do everything I could to help all of them not to have to worry about money anymore. That might be a good thing, or a not so good thing. It would take away a lot of worry and stress, but it would also tend to lead to complacency about the blessings we all enjoy. I know I would try to do this: pay off all the cars, houses and medical bills, and present and future college bills, etc. However, I cannot do all that, but I would if I could.
2. I imagine I would do everything I could to help all of them to be healthy and pain free. If I had the power to give anything I wanted to give to my family, I know that this is one thing I would want to give. I would love for each of them to be able to live life never worrying about suffering pain. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could make sure that the little one never broke a bone, never had pneumonia and could be assured that he will never face any type of deadly disease? Obviously, that is not in my power to do. However, I certainly, if I could, would wrap up the present of health and put it under the tree for each of them.
3. I imagine I would do everything I could to help all of them to be guaranteed a home in heaven. I know that I said that these were in order from least important to most important, but I break that pattern with this. This is, by far, the most important gift that I could give if I had the power to do so. Imagine if all my family could open a present on Christmas morning that gave them a guaranteed eternity. Of all the gifts that I wish I could give, this is the one that tops the list. I know that all I can do is try to lead by example, and teach without fail the Word of God, but even at that, I understand that I am not guaranteed heaven, except as I take advantage of the sacrifice of Jesus for me, through the wonderful grace of God. I know that God Himself will not make anyone go to heaven, unless he chooses to do so. I recognize that my family can only go to heaven if it takes the actions that each must take. Yet, if I could wrap up a guarantee to heaven that would work, you had better believe I would.
4. I imagine I would do everything I could to help them to be loved. Wait a minute. You know, that is one gift that I can provide. When my family opens the little gifts, not one of them of great value, that I have given them, they can be assured that they are opening gifts of love. The price tag may not be that great, but the love behind it is strong and unending. As my family members face the various financial woes that life will bring, I can be there to provide a shoulder to cry on, and support, even if I cannot solve the problem. I can hold the hand of a sick child, and watch over the bed of a suffering family member. I can do all that I can to teach and lead toward heaven. Ultimately, I can love them, with all that loving entails. That is within my power. Maybe in love, God has given me all the power that I need to provide my family with what they need most.
So when my wife opens her (bet you thought I was going to tell you!) I hope she will not just see a ____________, but that she will know that it comes wrapped in love. That is the gift, above all, that I can give.
Dean Kelly
We do not have a winter wonderland,
We almost never see snow, you understand;
We won’t be roasting chestnuts by an open fire,
Or listening to carols sung by some choir.
But we will enjoy the time we spend,
Laughing and sharing the love we send;
We will enjoy our special family traditions,
While experiencing all of life’s transitions.
We grow older, and the family changes
Time takes things and rearranges,
Children grow, and one day they bring back their own
But with their family, your love has just grown.
But each new holiday has its own special place;
You stop and you look at each loved one’s face.
It is much more than just enjoying presents that day,
It is sharing the time in a special way.
At my house, we will watch a Muppet movie,
(Muppet Christmas Carol - Tradition you see);
We’ll rise up early and into gifts dig in,
And then we’ll eat so much it’s nearly a sin.
There’ll be no snow, no Frosty snowman,
But that won’t deter our holiday plan,
We will have presents, and plenty to eat,
And we will have love, and that is hard to beat!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
To all of you From the Kellys