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Gospel Gazette Online

Vol. 11 No. 11 November 2009

Page 4

A Word Between Friends Banner
by Tim Childs

The Church and Our Destiny

Tim Childs

In our study of the church, we consider what God planned even before the dawn of time as we know it. Our minds are led by the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures to reflect upon what the matchless power of God has accomplished in years gone by, and we learn further what God is continuing to do in our lifetime and even up to the day Jesus returns with his mighty angels to draw the curtain of time.

There is so much confusion prevailing in our day concerning the concept of the church because so many have drifted away from the original purpose and plan God had and has in mind for the church. My friend, we must avoid being bogged down by denominationalism or any other ism that leads us away from the simplicity of the Gospel and the church produced and sustained by divine power. God has called believers to be nothing more than Christians, to wear no other name than the name of the Holy One who redeemed us by his blood. When men become “hyphenated Christians,” that is, describing ourselves as being “Christian -__________ist,” we are following a plan that is foreign to the Holy Scriptures, and especially the New Testament of Jesus Christ that leads exclusively to eternal life. On this side of eternity, men, women and young people will always be plagued by false religion. It is one of Satan’s favorite tools by which he deceives folks into thinking their salvation has been secured. The Spirit of truth and the spirit of error are leading men in opposite directions. Our destiny of glory or doom hinges upon our choices—whether to follow the crowd, or whether to follow the Christ. Which choice are you making?

“…The churches of Christ greet you” (Romans 16:16).

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