Gospel Gazette Online

Vol. 12 No. 2 February 2010

Page 11

You Have Not Passed
This Way Before (Joshua 3:4)


We have traveled over many paths in our walk on earth,
Since this temporal journey first began at birth;
We never know what each new day may have in store,
Because we have not passed this way before.

We have not passed this way before, O God,
We have never seen the paths we are about to trod;
We can only follow in the way that’s set by You,
And seek Your will in everything we do.

You are our Light in the darkness of the night,
You are our Defender in the fiercest fight;
You are our Hope in the greatest of despair,
You are our Comfort, for us you truly care.

You are our Guide through raging waters sailed,
You are the Answer that has never failed;
You are a Shelter from the storms that would do us harm;
You are the Strength that lifts us with Your mighty arm.

We don’t know what our next step will bring,
Whether we will grieve, or with joy will sing,
But we can know that You will always be,
There to guide into the future that we can’t see.

We know we have not passed this way before,
Alone we can never find the heavenly shore;
But through Your Word you point the way,
To that bright home of endless day.

We have not passed this way before, O God,
We have never seen the paths we are about to trod;
We can only follow in the way that’s set by You,
And seek Your will in everything we do.

Lay Aside Every Weight

Mike King

Mike KingThe Hebrews writer was very definite when he instructed his readers to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:2). Sin is so capable of causing us to be thrown off course. James said it has the potential for drawing us away (James 1:14). Other terms like “enticed” and “ensnared” are used to describe sin’s affect on us. Also, when we are burdened with “weight,” the work of the Lord suffers. Whether weighted by sin or any other element that has the potential for preventing us from living the Christian life or finishing our task here, it needs to be dumped!

The disposition of Paul was always to be looking forward and pressing for something better (Philippians 3:14). He strove to put the past behind him and allow nothing to interfere with his primary objective of being a slave with total commitment to his Lord.

David indicated that there are some burdens that we are entitled to carry, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!” (Psalm 68:19). We must always qualify what we are doing and that which is allowed to impact our lives to see if it is for our betterment or serves as a negative.

With the present condition of our national economic situation, people are being forced to eliminate excess and unnecessary expenditures and debt. This may be good in that it forces us to give due emphasis to necessities and not luxuries. We eliminate unnecessary driving to save fuel. We take a second look at acquiring additional debt because of how it may impact our future. This works both for individual family budgets as well as the congregational efforts of the Lord’s church.

Have you ever made the statement, “I look forward to the time that when we go out to eat that the first thing we do not look at on the menu is the price”? Our Lord taught us to always “sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it” (Luke 14:28). There is never a time, nor do we have permission, to be wasteful with our time, life or possessions. We are always to present ourselves before God as good stewards, responsible and mindful of proper management of God’s possessions. When a ship is taking on water, first dispose of excess weight, then, when being forced to swim ashore, make sure we do not insist on salvaging our workout weights!

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