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Vol. 12 No. 7 July 2010 |
Page 13 |
Ernest S. Underwood
Back when tropical storm Bill came through our area, I was driving on Highway 98 east of Destin a few miles. Off of the road about twenty or thirty yards was a large hand-painted sign, which simply said, “ARK.” With all of the rain that came with Bill, one might have expected to see some critters going that way two by two.
Seriously, though, we all know that God promised that He would never again destroy this old world by flood. However, He did not promise that He would not destroy it. In fact, He promised that He will destroy it by fire. In 2 Peter 3:10, Peter described it this way: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.” This will also be the time of judgment. On that great Day of Judgment, there will be no arguments, no excuses and no second chances for those who are unprepared to meet God. All the talk one hears today about “Rapture” or “Tribulation” of the Premillennialists is nothing but the nonsense of men’s doctrines. The Word of God does not teach it.
The song says, “Are you ready for that day to come.” ARE YOU?
Mark N. Posey
Recently while watching “Good Morning America,” my attention was drawn to a story about the “most gruesome murder in Los Angeles history.” They began showing diagrams and pictures of a husband and wife who were murdered in their own home by their two sons. I couldn’t look; it was too brutal. The story described the “mental, emotional and sexual abuse” of the two boys by their parents. At that point, my heart sank, and I know that my only action should be to drop to my knees and thank Almighty God for blessing me with faithful Christian parents.
There are some things one witnesses that promises to change our lives forever, that will change our thoughts and actions. This particular story has done that. From that day, I pledged to begin and end each day thanking God for the good Christian home in which I was raised.
I grew up in a home where I never heard my mother and father yell at one another; furthermore, I never heard them exchange a cross word. My parents didn’t drink alcohol; they didn't smoke or take drugs. Cursing was never heard, and fighting was absolutely forbidden. Prayer began and ended each day; it preceded each meal and every aspect of our lives. Christ was the center of our home and God’s Word the standard by which we conducted our lives. I was taught by their words and their actions to love, respect and forgive. I was taught the importance of responsibility and commitment — to my family, and ultimately to the Lord’s church.
As I was growing up, I watched them handle each and every situation and problem with dignity and love. I knew by the tears they shed and the prayers they prayed that times were never easy, but as they lived out Philippians 4:13 before my very eyes, a little boy was learning what being a Christian was all about. You might say I had perfect parents. Yes, I did! They were and still are the most Christ-like individuals I know. I wouldn’t change a single thing about the way I grew up!
Solomon said, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it”(Proverbs 22:6). Mom and Dad, thank you for your Godly training that led me to become a faithful Christian and a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You will never know how much I love and respect you.