Gospel Gazette Online
Vol. 15 No. 10 October 2013
Page 9

A Help Meet

T. Pierce BrownAlmost everyone who refers to Genesis 2:18 using the King James Version or the ASV quotes, “And Jehovah God said, it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.” Then they pronounce “help” and “meet” as if it were one word, sometimes saying, “helpmate.” I have no particular objection to referring to a man’s wife as his helpmate, if she is such. Nor do I have any desire to deny that God wants a man’s wife to be a mate that is helpful. However, I confess that I am bothered a little when a person who claims to be able to give an adequate exegesis of God’s Word does not know that the word “meet” as used here simply means “suitable.”

It may not be quite as bad as a person who thinks Jesus said in Mark 7:27, “It is not meat [instead of meet] to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs,” but it is almost as bad. It is our judgment that almost any person can teach the Gospel plan of salvation, which is so simple that it is almost impossible to misunderstand without expert help. Yet, those of us who attempt to do more than write or speak about the simple facts, promises and commands of the Gospel, should at least be able to discover the meaning of a word before we attempt to explain it to some other person.

Dean KellyThen I Remember

Dean Kelly

I find myself asking just how it could possibly be,
That Jesus could have come and died for me,
I am so weak and sinful, too unworthy of His love,
How could it be that for me He left His home above?

And then I remember: “There is power in the blood” says the song we often sing,
We sing of the forgiveness that our faithful acts can bring,
And of that blood that can wash us clean whatever we have done,
If our hearts are ready to change the path we have begun.

And sometimes I see myself just falter and take a fall,
Sometimes it is something big, sometimes just something small,
But I feel so disappointed in myself for being weak,
For I know I have saddened the very One that I should seek.

But then I remember: We sing with joy about the wondrous crimson flood,
And how our sins are purged by the Savior’s precious blood,
For He allowed Himself to be hung upon that awful tree,
So that from the burden of our sins we could be free.

I may be weak from time to time, as are we all,
I may take my off the goal and take a fall,
But I know, like Peter when he was sinking in the sea,
If I look up my Savior will be reaching out for me.

I have to get back up and to the straight path go back,
I have to strengthen all those things that I may lack,
I have to strive to not let Satan trick me into sin,
I have to go forward no matter where I’ve been.

Because I know if I walk in God’s great light,
If I stay strong through each and every fight,
If I repent of all the things that I do wrong,
Then I can join with joy and sing the song.

For I remember: Why we sing with joy about the wondrous crimson flood,
And how our sins are purged by the Savior’s precious blood,
For He allowed Himself to be hung upon that awful tree,
So that from the burden of our sins we could be free.

And I know for sure: “There is power in the blood” says the song we often sing,
We sing of the forgiveness that our faithful acts can bring,
And of that blood that can wash us clean whatever we have done,
If our hearts are ready to change the path we have begun.

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