Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 17 Number 5 May 2015
Page 5

Are You Ready To Burn?

Jerry BatesWhen we think about someone burning, our minds probably go to the idea of eternal fire in hell, and of course, that would be a terrible thing to contemplate. However, the idea of fire is also used in a good way in Scripture. In Jeremiah 23:29, we find God saying that His Word is like a fire. A similar idea is found in Jeremiah 5:14 when God told Jeremiah that He would make His Word like a fire in his mouth. Jeremiah wrote in 20:9 that God’s Word was like a fire in his bones. Thus, we see God’s Word compared to fire within us. We know that fire burns; therefore, we might say that we need to be burning.

God’s Word should be within us. “Let the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom…” (Colossians 3:16). Notice that the Word should be dwelling within us. Thus, if the Word dwells within us, and His Word is like a fire, then we should be burning within. Obviously, this is figurative language; nevertheless, this is an idea that we should not overlook. As long as a fire is burning, it influences everything around it. Even if something is not consumed by the fire, it will absorb the heat from the fire. Is the Word influencing us in our lives and others around us? If the Word is dwelling in us, then certainly the Word will influence our lives, and other people will be able to see it. Our lives should be burning with the Word of God.

We also know that fire is powerful. We have all seen the effects of an out of control fire in forests. In James 3:6, James compared our tongues to a fire, illustrating the evil effects of an out of control tongue. If our tongues can cause so much damage, how much more powerful is God’s Word? The Bible definitively declares to us the power of God’s Word. Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goes forth out from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Notice that Isaiah declared that God’s Word would prosper and accomplish whatever God wants it to accomplish. That same power should be dwelling within us. Thus, with the help of God and His Word, we can do great things, but only if God’s Word dwells within us. Therefore, we pose the question again, “Are you ready to burn?”

Happy Mother’s Day!

Thomas BaxleyMotivator – Mom always had a way of getting me going and making me do right. Many times it was with the help of a belt, but the Lord disciplines those whom He loves (Proverbs 3:11-12; Hebrews 12:5-6), and so does a good mother.

Observant – Mom always seemed to know what was going on; she was quick to correct, but she was also quick to praise.

Therapist – Whenever I had a problem, I could always tell Mom about it. She would listen and give council, though she never got paid for it.

Healer – I can still remember getting hurt, and my first response was that I wanted Mom. I don’t know why that is, but I always wanted her to know. Somehow she made me feel better; somehow she made me better.

Educator – Though mom did not teach in schools or have degrees in education, I learned lessons from her that I never could learn in school. She raised me from my youth to fear God, to be respectful and to take care of my family. I am still continuing my education as I learn to be a parent; I will learn how to teach my child (Proverbs 22:6).

Real – Mom told me how it was, and she still does. She tells me what I need to hear, not necessarily what I want to hear. She does not try to deceive with flattering words, but rather she speaks the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).

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