Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 18 Number 6 June 2016
Page 13

God Is

Chad Loveless

“Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.’ And Pharaoh said, ‘Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go’” (Exodus 5:1-2 NKJV). Moses was told by God to go and tell Pharaoh to let God’s people, the children of Israel, go from their slavery and bondage. After many excuses and missteps on the part of Moses, Moses and his older brother Aaron (ages 80 and 83) did as God commanded. However, Pharaoh did not let the Israelites go. In fact, Pharaoh asked a very contemporary question, “Who is God?”

This is an old question, and it has been asked by lesser and greater men and women, even in recent history. In the late 1800’s, Friedrich Nietzsche proclaimed that God is dead. On April 8, 1966 the cover of Time magazine asked the question, “Is God dead?”

The debate over the existence of God has been ongoing, and it is still going in many forms. You may remember when Ken Ham of the Creation Museum fame and Bill Nye, “The Science Guy,” debated the existence of God and the age of the earth. A couple of years ago Kyle Butt debated Dr. Bart Ehrman, a debate entitled, “The Pain and Suffering in the World Indicate that the Christian God Does Not Exist.”

Some may ask, “Who is God,” and still many more may ask, “Why does it matter?” Here is a good Bible reason why it matters: Jesus Christ will one day come back with His angels “in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power” (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 NKJV). We must first know God – who God is and that we should obey Him.

Who is God to you? Do you know Him?

Power and Praise

Russ Vickers

Russ VickersThe account of the crossing of the Red Sea is found in Exodus 14 and 15. Can you imagine the worship service the Israelites had when they crossed safely over the Red Sea? The children of Israel had seen God’s awesome power first-hand and had been delivered from the Egyptian host. They had just seen God save them from a watery grave, a death that seemed to be certain. The Israelites were blocked on one side by the Red Sea and the approaching armies of Pharaoh were on the other side. Relentlessly, the armies in their chariots had chased them down (Exodus 14:5-9). The Israelites cried out for help in their desperation (v. 10). The situation seemed hopeless. The Lord parted the waters, allowing the people to cross (v. 16, 21-22). However, when the Egyptians rode onto the dry seabed, God caused the water to crash in on them (v. 28).

That is when the celebration started! With great joy, the people praised God for His strength and salvation (Exodus 15:2), His great power (v. 6), His greatness (v. 7), His holiness (v. 11), His mercy, guidance and redemption (v. 13), and His everlasting reign over them (v. 18). In praise, love and adoration, they poured their hearts out to the God of their deliverance.

Did you notice the many attributes for which Israel praised God? Now think about why we praise God in our lives and what He has done for us. We are to honor Him in our worship. God parted the sea, and He can make a way for us. Give Him your praise, adoration and worship. God’s power is great and everlasting. In His Word, we read of His many wonderful works and rejoice in Him, so we ought to rejoice in His Gospel of grace.

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