Gospel Gazette Online
Volume 21 Number 2 February 2019
Page 11

Ignorant and Uneducated

Cecil May, Jr.

Cecil May, Jr.A broadcaster was giving reasons why he thought a person was not qualified for an office he was seeking. He included, “He doesn’t believe in evolution.” The unstated conclusion he expected us to draw was, “He is ignorant, uneducated and, therefore, unfit to hold any office.”

The statement, “He doesn’t believe in evolution,” regarding most people, is not true. Evolution is a common occurrence. Every educated person “believes in it.” It accounts for different breeds of dogs, for Angus beef cattle and Jersey milk cows, etc., and on that scale, within species and “kinds,” it is readily observable.

What the accused person likely did not believe, as I do not, is that evolution is sufficient to account for the great diversity of plant, animal and human life, where supposedly something came from nothing. That theory of evolution supposes life was accidentally produced by non-life, and for instance, something so complex and perfectly designed as the eye came into being by accident. The eye alone would take hundreds of beneficial accidents all happening at the same moment.

Intelligent design is more reasonable, and therefore, it is more scientific than the theory of evolution as an explanation for the existence of anything. That the complexities of the universe and life all happened accidentally is more of a religion than a scientific theory.

Dead Flies

Denny Petrillo

Denny Petrillo“Dead flies putrefy the perfumer's ointment, And cause it to give off a foul odor; So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor” (Ecclesiastes 10:1 NKJV). Dead flies are the best kind, if you ask me. The live ones buzz around, irritating us, making us reach for the flyswatter. The ancients didn’t like flies either. I wonder: Did they have flyswatters, too?

While dead flies are usually welcome, there are certain places we wouldn’t want them. Solomon offered an example—in perfume. Imagine reaching for a bottle of your favorite perfume, ready to apply a little, and you notice, floating there on the top, a big (but very dead) fly. Still want to put some on? Suddenly, that perfume doesn’t smell as good. As a matter of fact, that perfume stinks!

So, what was Solomon’s point? He was noting a fact of life: A relatively small defect can ruin a good thing.

This proverb is a call for clearheadedness. It is a plea for us to think—think about what we do and think about what we say. The fact is, one careless word or deed can quickly ruin a lot of good and wise actions. Solomon noted, “…so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor.” One fly ruins a big bottle of perfume, and one foolish act ruins a lifetime of wise and honorable acts. This demonstrates just how powerful foolishness is.

Therefore, let us walk carefully. We must use God’s Word as our lamp and guide. By so doing, we can avoid foolish acts and maintain our positive influence on those around us (Ephesians 5:15-17).


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