Volume 23 Number 2 February 2021
Page 13

Christ in Hebrews #4
Mark McWhorter
The letter to the Hebrews was written to encourage Jewish Christians to remain faithful to Christ. The author did not want them to return to the Law of Moses. Numerous names and designations are attributed by the author to Christ. All of these are used to demonstrate how superior and better Christ and His Covenant are.
- “Priest” is used in 5:6. A priest served to remind the people of the Law. Jesus gave us the New Law. Priests gave sacrifices and offerings. Jesus gave Himself.
- “Author of eternal salvation” is in 5:9. Jesus is the reason we have the possibility of eternal salvation. He did exactly what was necessary to create the path for us to Heaven.
- “Forerunner” is used in 6:20. The word is from a Greek word which was used for a scout. A scout would go before the army and gather information. He would also make sure things were prepared for the army to enter into the land. Jesus entered Heaven. He is our Forerunner. There is no danger for us in entering Heaven; Jesus is there.
- “Surety” is used in 7:22. A surety is a pledge. The Father gave Jesus as His pledge for the New Covenant. A pledge was given to let another person know that the covenant being made would be held firm.
- “Majesty” is used in 8:1. This word comes from a form of a Greek word meaning “greatness.” It is normally used for Divinity. Christ is Divine; He is God.
- “Minister” is used in 8:2. This word comes from a Greek word from which we get “liturgy.” A form of the word was used for those who did service in the Tabernacle and Temple. Christ serves Christians in the Temple of Heaven.
I am so glad Christ is our Priest. I am glad he is the Author of our salvation. I am thankful he is our Forerunner and our Surety. I am glad that He is Majesty. I am glad He is our Minister in Heaven. Study the Bible. Learn all you can about Christ, and if any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.
Christ in Hebrews #5
Mark McWhorter
The letter to the Hebrews was written to encourage Jewish Christians to remain faithful to Christ. The author did not want them to return to the Law of Moses. Numerous names and designations are attributed by the author to Christ. All of these are used to demonstrate how superior and better Christ and his Covenant are.
- “Testator” is used in 9:16. A testator is one who makes a will. A will is a document that details what the testator leaves to others at his death. Sometimes the will required certain actions to inherit what was in the will. Christ has told us that we can have Heaven. All He requires is that we obey Him. He was willing to die on the cross to put His will into action.
- “Offering” is used in 10:10. Christ offered Himself as the sacrifice necessary to cover our sins. He was willing to walk to the cross to die for us.
- “Sacrifice” appears in 10:12. Christ was the ultimate sacrifice. After His sacrifice, there was no more need for all the animal sacrifices.
- “Perfecter” is implied in 10:14. There it says we are perfected by Jesus. It is only by His blood that we can be seen as perfect in the eyes of God.
- “Way” is used in 10:20. Christ is the only way to Heaven and to the Father. He created the path. We must walk that path if we want to be in Heaven.
- “Veil” appears in 10:20. We are told the veil is His flesh. The veil in the Tabernacle was between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. The High Priest went through it to access the Ark of the Covenant. We must go through Christ if we want to be in Heaven.
I am so glad Christ is Testator of the Will. I am so glad He was willing to offer Himself. I am so thankful His blood makes us perfect. I am so glad He is the Way and the Veil, by which we travel and through whom we go to Heaven. Study your Bible. Learn how to obey Christ, and if any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.
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