Terry Wheeler
The story is told of a father teaching his son to ride for the first time. “Be loose with the reins, son. Let the horse have her way, until it’s time to get serious.”
The son got up on the back of the large animal, took the reins, and then pulled as tight as his young arms could pull. The horse reared on its hind legs, and the boy went down. The dad calmly took the reins and then lifted his son to his feet. “Like I said, son, loose with the reins.”
“But I’ve gotta show her who’s boss,” the son replied.
“Son,” said Dad, “you also have to learn the horse. She knows when she has a fool on her back.”
Animals and sons have to be trained. We have to learn the ropes of any situation. Education teaches us to adjust wisely to changing circumstances. Failure to adjust can lead to severe consequences. This is especially true with God. His Word is our guide through our ever-changing lives. We need education from which we can develop wisdom (Proverbs 3:19-26; Colossians 2:1-3). Let Him Have His Way with Thee.
Silver City
Denny Petrillo
There is a place in Colorado called “Silver City.” It is a beautiful little town nestled in the midst of some of the most majestic mountains one could ever see. I remember as a child being told that we were going to go through Silver City. You probably can figure out what kind of image that created in my mind. Yes – a city that was made of silver! I couldn’t wait to get to Silver City. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. “That town has got to be the shiniest town ever!” I asked my brother if he had an extra pair of dark glasses.
Silver City was so named because in the old prospecting days, miners went there hoping to get rich by mining silver. Some actually did. I learned one thing, though. Mining silver isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work, a lot of determination and an “I’m not going to give up” attitude.
Solomon told his son that he needed to seek for wisdom as one would seek for silver (Proverbs 2:4). Knowing how hard it is to dig silver out of the mountain makes that statement even more impressive. Solomon was saying that wisdom and understanding (regarding God, Proverbs 2:5) doesn’t come easily. God wants us to work at it. But the payoff? Well, let’s just say it is a whole lot better than finding silver.
When we study the inspired, holy, magnificent Word of God, we could say that we’re mining! Excuse me; I’ve got some digging to do. “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold” (Proverbs 3:13-14 NKJV).